Elbe in Saxony no longer floods

Elbe in Saxony no longer floods

Elbe in Saxony no longer floods

The Elbe is no longer flooding. The values ​​at the gauges in Schöna, Dresden, Riesa and Torgau are now below alarm level 1. In Schöna, 3.86 meters were measured this morning – after a high of 6.63 meters last week. In Dresden, the water level fell from 4.34 on Sunday morning to 3.53 meters within 24 hours. Consequently, the all-clear has also been given for the gauges in Riesa (4.55 meters) and Torgau (4.72 meters). According to the state capital Dresden, a rise in the water is not expected again. However, the banks that have been under water in recent days must now be cleaned up.

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