Accidents: Accident on party boat in Berlin

Accidents: Accident on party boat in Berlin

Accidents: Accident on party boat in Berlin

After the roof of a party boat collapsed on the Spree in Berlin, injuring twelve people, the cause of the accident has not yet been determined. A report is being prepared and investigators are interviewing witnesses, as the Berlin police said in response to a request. Among other things, they need to clarify whether and how many people were sitting on the roof – and whether this was permitted.

Almost a week ago, the metal roof of the event boat collapsed. Nine women aged between 22 and 30 and three men aged 24, 26 and 31 were injured. In total, around 120 people were said to have been on the boat. The police are investigating on suspicion of negligent bodily harm. According to the operator, the boat is the event ship “MS Heimatland”.

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