Huckabee-Sanders slights stepmom Kamala: Darcy cartoon

Huckabee-Sanders slights stepmom Kamala: Darcy cartoon

Huckabee-Sanders slights stepmom Kamala: Darcy cartoon

CLEVELAND, Ohio — While moderating a Trump town hall in Flint, Michigan, Arkansas Razorback’s Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders made a cutting comment on Kamala Harris’ step-motherhood that even a Trump campaign advisor found offensive.

In JD Vance-speak, Huckabee Sanders said she was “humble” because she’s not a biological childless cat lady like Vice President Harris.

Sanders told the town hall that when she comes home from work as Governor, her kids quickly remind her that she’s nothing special.

“My kids keep me humble. Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn’t have anything keeping her humble.”

When Sen. JD Vance had derided “childless cat ladies” Vice President Harris was thrown into that litter, even though she’s the step-mother to husband Doug Emhoff’s daughter and son.

At least Sanders didn’t follow her Vance-speak with some Bernie Moreno dialogue. At an Ohio town hall, Senate candidate Moreno wondered aloud why any women over 50 even cared about reproductive rights.

Bryan Lanza, senior advisor to the Trump campaign, said he found the Governor’s comment offensive while watching it on a CNN panel.

“I, too, was blessed to have a stepmother, I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be able to have conversations without a stepmother so I found that comment to be actually offensive.”

“I don’t know what more to say. I’m disappointed in Sarah for saying that. I’m sure I’m going to get criticism from the campaign. But I have to sort of defend somebody who’s a step mom. It’s a tough job. People who step into that role, it’s usually a difficult dynamic, said Lanza.

Same of course could be said for stepdads.

This was second gentleman Doug Emhoff’s response to Gov. Sanders:

“Somehow because Cole and Ella [Emhoff] aren’t Kamala’s quote-unquote biological children, that she doesn’t have anything in her life to keep her humble.

“As if keeping women humble, whether you have children or not, is something we should strive for, it is not. But I’ll tell you what, going back to that debate, Kamala sure kept Trump humble at that debate, didn’t she, because that’s what this is really about.”

“And we know that all parents, no matter how you become one, make the same sacrifices and revel in the same joys of raising children, as any parent, anywhere”

Cole and Ella Emhoff’s mom, Kerstin said this about their stepmom Kamala:

“Kamala Harris has spent her entire career working for the people. ALL families. That keeps you pretty humble.”

So does Kamala’s growing up in a middle class home with divorced parents, not the privileged daughter of a Governor and Presidential candidate as Sarah Huckabee had been.

Since she’s become Governor some in Arkansas have felt Huckabee Sanders has seemed more interested in national politics and prospects. But speaking of children, she did cut child labor regulations making it easier to employ those under 16.

Huckabee Sanders was also moderating a town hall for Trump, whose now been married three times, meaning his second two wives were stepmoms just like Kamala Harris.

Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta was also a “childless cat lady” Does the Governor also think she wasn’t humble either?

A truly humble person, let alone mother, would not have said what Gov. Huckabee Sanders did.

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