Knife attack in hospital emergency room

Knife attack in hospital emergency room

Knife attack in hospital emergency room

Two young men attacked firefighters and security guards in front of an emergency room at a hospital in Berlin-Reinickendorf. One of the two men used a knife late on Monday evening, but did not injure anyone, police said.

One of the two men, aged 20, complained about long waiting times in the emergency room of the hospital on Am Nordgraben street. A 42-year-old paramedic in an ambulance asked him to calm down, whereupon the 20-year-old grabbed a knife. The paramedic was able to dodge, colleagues and hospital security guards intervened and were also attacked. They were able to overpower the perpetrator and detain him.

The attacker’s 21-year-old companion intervened and pushed another paramedic, but was also overpowered. Alerted police arrested both men. The younger man was examined by a doctor for psychiatric reasons and admitted to hospital. The police took his companion with them. The newspaper “BZ” reported.

The police union (GdP) said: “It is unbearable that firefighters are now at risk of being seriously injured or even killed in completely banal operations. If knives are used in the vicinity of emergency stations, the line has long since been crossed.” Discussions about knife ban zones would not help. “That is why we should finally take effective measures; we need a complete ban on carrying knives in public.”

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240924-930-241948/1

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