Merz accuses the traffic light coalition of delaying its own security package

Merz accuses the traffic light coalition of delaying its own security package

Merz accuses the traffic light coalition of delaying its own security package

CDU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz (CDU) has accused the coalition of Delaying the adoption of their own asylum and security package in the BundestagThe Union agreed with many of the planned measures and had expected that the two laws this week in the Bundestag, Merz said on Tuesday in Berlin. To their “great surprise”, his party had now learned that the coalition Consultation removed from the agenda have.

Background “Disagreement” and “dispute in the coalition”, said Merz. The “traffic light” coalition can apparently “no longer agree on draft laws that it itself introduced into the German Bundestag”.

With the asylum and security package, the federal government responded to the suspected Islamist knife attack in Solingen. The two bills provide Knife bansexpanded investigative powers for the authorities in the fight against terrorism and cuts in benefits for certain refugees who are required to leave the country.

The Bundestag discussed the issue in its first reading at the beginning of September – in the so-called budget week, which was actually dedicated to discussing the federal budget for 2025. Merz said on Tuesday that his parliamentary group had only agreed to this debate in the budget week “contrary to custom” because because it wanted to facilitate a rapid final adoption of the security and asylum package in September. This is no longer possible. (AFP)

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