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If Ohio is a lock for Donald Trump, why are activists trying to delete Democrats from voter rolls? Today in Ohio

If Ohio is a lock for Donald Trump, why are activists trying to delete Democrats from voter rolls? Today in Ohio

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Conservative activists are mounting a statewide effort to kick thousands of registered voters off the rolls before the 2024 election.

WE’re talking thousands of voter registration challenges, the vast majority of which have been rejected, on Today in Ohio.

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Editor Chris Quinn hosts our daily half-hour news podcast, with editorial board member Lisa Garvin, impact editor Leila Atassi and content director Laura Johnston.

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Here’s what else we’re asking about today:

Why are so many conservative activists in high gear trying to remove legitimate voters from the voting rolls all across Ohio?

Many mainstream voters longhave considered voting for third-party candidates in big elections to be the squandering of a vote. But in November, a vote for Green party candidate Jill Stein really will be akin to flushing your vote down the toilet. Why?

Has the Portage County sheriff who was violating the First Amendment rights of Democrats by asking neighbors to inform on them seen the error of his ways?

What’s the latest with Ohio’s law aimed at blocking foreign contributions to state political campaigns, including a limit on green card holders?

Who are the latest targets of people who use credit card skimmers to defraud unwary consumers?

Ohio is having the worst drought anyone can remember. If the remnants of Hurricane Helene came our way, how much relief might it provide to those dry conditions?

Some members of Congress, instead of lying about and ridiculing Springfield, are trying to help the city where it needs the help. How so?The last time we talked about the spotted lanternfly, the Cleveland infestation was mostly an east side story. Has that changed in recent weeks? What are the folks in the Metroparks seeing?

We’ve got some huge names coming to Cleveland for the Rock Hall inductions next month. It will be quite the live show. Who was announced Wednesday?

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Read the automated transcript below. Because it’s a computer-generated transcript, it contains many errors and misspellings.

Chris (00:01.336)

I don’t know why I woke up thinking today was Friday and I realized we have two entire episodes today in Ohio left this week. Great news. It’s the news podcast discussion from cleveland .com and the plane dealer. I’m Chris Quinn here with Lisa Garvin, Laura Johnston and Layla Tassi. Let’s roll.

Why are so many conservative activists in high gear trying to remove legitimate voters from the voting rolls all across Ohio, Lisa? I don’t get it. If this state is a lock for Trump, why are people wasting time here?

Lisa (00:55.62)

Election officials in 13 counties have told us that they’ve gotten thousands of voter registration challenges. Most have been rejected, thankfully. The challengers are proclaiming membership in a group called the Election Integrity Network. It’s a nonprofit that was established by Georgia attorney Cleta Mitchell.

Lisa (01:19.572)

who was on the phone when Donald Trump asked the Georgia Secretary of State to find 11 ‚000 votes in that 2020 election. So the Ohio chapter of this group was established by a Republican voter, Vicki McKinney. She sent 500 registered voter names to the Licking County Board of Elections asking that they be canceled. Board of Elections official says, sorry, that’s illegal.

They also testified in Columbus supporting a bill to replace all voting machines in Ohio and allow hand count of ballots among other crazy things. She has not responded to any of the calls we’ve tried to make to her to get her side of the story. One person can challenge another’s voter registration based on personal knowledge of their residency. But now they’re using third party data sources alleging that changes of address, you know, are

are happening. the director of the Ohio Association of Elected Officials, Aaron Ackerman, says he’s never seen anything like it. It’s really kind of hard to deny, he says, that it’s based on election denialism. Democratic -leaning urban counties have had hundreds of challenges, 140 here in Cuyahoga, 376 challenges in Hamilton County, several hundred in Franklin County. But there are challenges in rural counties as well, like Butler County had 19.

1 voter registration challenges.

Chris (02:44.994)

I just don’t understand what the point is if, as all the political experts say, Ohio’s done, it’s going to vote for Trump. Why would you be going after Democratic voters in Ohio if he’s going to run away with it with eight points? I keep asking this question and experts keep saying, I don’t know, don’t read anything into this. Trump’s got it locked up. But I got to wonder, it’s four years later.

You know, he’s been convicted of crimes. tried to overthrow our government with the January 6th insurrection. We’ve seen voters in Ohio voting against the Republican nonsense with the issues last year. I just wonder if something’s brewing in Ohio where it’s not as clear cut. And this is a sign of that. Again, every time I bring this up, people who who say they’re experts say not a chance. It’s over. Don’t even go there.

But this is weird, why would you waste any time or money on this?

Lisa (03:39.784)

Yeah, just to cause a tempest in a teapot, guess. Common Cause Ohio’s Kelly Dufour has been tracking all these challenges. She’s been sitting in on some of the hearings and see the burden of proof in these cases is on the accuser. She is shocked that challengers admit having no personal knowledge of the voter’s residency that they’re challenging and they still get their case heard.

Chris (04:04.48)

Yeah, it’s really a sinister thing, attacking regular voters, trying to remove their constitutional right to go to the polls, all for these games. I wonder if it’s also laying the groundwork, just in case Ohio doesn’t go for Trump, that they could file lawsuits later saying that their voter challenges were rejected. The odd thing is the numbers in Cuyahoga County, they’re kind of infinitesimal.

I don’t know that 100 or 200 challenges are gonna make a big difference in the results in Cuyahoga County. What’s gonna make a difference in Cuyahoga County is whether anybody can get out the vote, if they can get excitement about Kamala Harris or Sherrod Brown. Just one of the odder stories, because it doesn’t make sense. Pennsylvania makes sense, and Wisconsin makes sense. There’s lots of swing states that make sense. But according to popular wisdom, not us. You’re listening to Today in Ohio.

Many mainstream voters long have considered voting for third party candidates in a big election to be the squandering of a vote. But in November, a vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein is looking more and more likely like it could be akin to flushing your vote down the toilet. It’s not at all clear yet. Laura, what’s going on?

Laura (05:16.942)

Right now, the Secretary of State for Ohio says if you vote for Stein, your vote will not be counted. And that’s because the Green Party nominated her running mate after this state administrative deadline. So when state originally filed to run for president in Ohio, she listed Anita Rios. That was the 2014 nominee for Ohio governor from the Green Party as the running mate. However, that was a placeholder. Then the Green Party nominated Butch Ware, a history professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

for vice president at the national convention on August 17th. Well, the deadline in Ohio to replace an independent vice presidential candidate on the 2024 ballot was August 12th. So the secretary of state’s office saying, because we don’t have the right names on this ballot, their votes are not gonna count. And although reason why their names are still on the ballot is because Rios didn’t submit this withdrawal letter until after August 27th.

So that’s the story that Jeremy Appelza wrote yesterday. Then we got this response from Jill Stein’s office that they say that an unauthorized form was submitted to the Secretary of State’s office in Ohio by someone purporting to be a member of our campaign and contains a copy pasted signature, which should not have been accepted as valid. We are working with the Secretary of State to correct this error. So I don’t know what that means. It seems like the deadlines are pretty firm here, but

Honestly, it’s in the best interest of Republicans if she does get on the ballot.

Chris (06:48.222)

I sad to me that that she’s on the ballot at all. The threat that Donald Trump presents to America if he wins again, we would just not be the same country. He’s a venal guy who use government to attack people. He’ll destroy it. And a government will not exist like it does now. And if you know that in your heart that that guy is a monstrous human being that shouldn’t be a leader, the only path is to vote for Kamala Harris because she’s the only chance at beating him.

And putting votes on these third party candidates that have no hope in hell of winning is really wasting your vote. In this case, if Larose doesn’t change his mind, it literally is wasting your vote. You may as well not even check the box.

Laura (07:32.546)

Right. Exactly. So Stein did make the ballot in Georgia, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin despite challenges there. That’s from Democrats because they are like you. If you’re going to vote Green Party, you probably care about the environment and that means you’re probably not voting for Donald Trump. But you’re right. There’s no chance of Jill Stein winning the election. So if you really want what’s best for the environment, then I would say you’d go for Kamala Harris.

Again, I’m not sure what’s going to happen with this, you know, with the Green Party, what they’re saying here, but in the long run, she’s not going to get elected anyway.

Chris (08:10.412)

Well, it’s not just best for the environment. It’s best for the children who are grown up today. It’s best for the future of the country. It’s the best. mean, this is an inflection point like we’ve never had. Monstrous human being bent on destroying government because of his colossal ego versus somebody who stands for the rule of law and true governance. There’s no doubt about which way we should go. This is just noise in the background. And frankly, I hope

Laura (08:14.624)

Right, I’m just saying if you’re green party.

Chris (08:40.236)

She doesn’t get her votes counted because then maybe people won’t flush them. You’re listening to Today in Ohio. Has deported county sheriff who was violating the First Amendment rights of Democrats by asking neighbors to inform on each other seen the error of his ways, Layla?

Leila (08:57.14)

I don’t know if we can go that far because we really haven’t heard any kind of public apology from this guy for what he did. But Sheriff Bruce Zikowski recently took down his controversial Facebook post about Kamala Harris supporters. After receiving a great deal of pressure from the ACLU and local residents who were really upset about this, in that post that he’s now deleted, Zikowski made these inflammatory comments saying that people should record the addresses.

of Harris supporters and he made references to her immigration policies in a way that just came across as really threatening. And the ACLU said the Post violated First Amendment rights and was preparing a lawsuit, but for now the threat of legal action seems to have subsided since he’s removed the Post.

Chris (09:46.85)

He was so far out of line. still can’t believe it. He should resign. The chief law enforcement officer, one of them, should never do things like this. They’re supposed to protect everybody. They’re supposed to represent everybody. And it’s so sinister and awful and like 50s Red Scare style. Hey, keep track of who’s got a Kamala Harris sign on their yard for after the election. They’ll be held to pay. Man, that’s just not what we want in our elected leaders. People in that county should

Leila (09:57.968)


Chris (10:16.62)

drum him out of office as fast as possible.

Lisa (10:19.092)

Well, he’s up for re -election. I mean, why would he do this right before he’s up for re -election? I mean, it could really blow, but hopefully it blows back on

Leila (10:19.188)


Leila (10:27.304)

Right. And that’s probably the reason why he decided to take Townitt’s post. Who knows if he would have done that otherwise. It’s interesting though to see the additional fallout that has come on account of this. The Portage County Board of Elections voted then to stop sheriff deputies from providing security at their office during in -person voting. There were some board members who said they were concerned about voter intimidation after the sheriff’s comments. there was one Republican who felt that that was an overreaction.

But, you know, in -person voting starts on October 8th in Ohio, and the board will now use Ravenna police and other security personnel instead of the sheriff’s deputies for election safety. So that’s pretty, that’s pretty terrible.

Chris (11:09.622)

Yeah, because it’s like the Gestapo. mean, it is. It’s like jackbooted intimidators led by a sheriff that wants people to inform on each other. This is as bad as it gets in law enforcement. You cannot have chief law enforcement officers who operate this way. I salute the board of elections for taking the steps they did. We have to have safe elections. You have to feel safe and guarded when you go in to cast your vote.

Leila (11:12.935)


Chris (11:37.952)

And if you got a sheriff who is issuing these orders and you see deputies there, you are going to be intimidated. It’s a shameful, shameful day for Portage County. They have one way out, throw the guy out and start over. You’re listening to Today in Ohio. What’s the latest with Ohio’s law aimed at blocking foreign contributions to state political campaigns, including the kind of silly limit on green card holders? Lisa.

Lisa (12:04.744)

Yeah, the Sixth Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled that this ban on non -citizens contributing to ballot issue campaigns will stay in effect until October 8th as they consider whether to overturn or lower court injunction that kept the law from taking effect. So the law was passed in a special session this year, but they added green card holders to the bill over objections by the bill’s sponsor.

Secretary of State Frank LaRose applauded the decision. He says he’s ready to begin immediate enforcement of the law if it’s upheld. And he called it a win for Ohioans who believe our election shouldn’t be decided by foreign billionaires trying to hijack our state constitution. So LaRose appealed the injunction along with attorney general, Dave Yost. Yost says, really only the green card ban should have been blocked and you know, just that portion of the bill.

And he asserted if the ban is held up, many will regard the election as illegitimately tainted by foreign influence.

Chris (13:08.0)

I do wonder, how do they know it’s a green card holder? It’s not like there’s a national directory of green card holders, is there? So if your name appears on the contribution list and you’re a green card holder, how do they figure that out?

Lisa (13:24.393)

That’s a good question, but surely they’ve got records of who has a green card. I don’t know if it’s public record, but…

Laura (13:29.55)

It’s not a public record. had a green card for, I don’t know, 20 years, and I don’t think I was published on a list anywhere. But any time I got hired anywhere, I had to give you my alien number.

Chris (13:40.064)

I know, but that’s a federal record, right? So if I’m a state official, I don’t know that they have access to it. They should just get rid of that part of the law. Everybody knew it. Mike DeWine should have vetoed it because of that, and they should have made him do it. If you want to ban foreign contributions, fine. But green card holders are here legitimately. They have a vested interest in what’s going on in the country. And it’s free speech. You can’t do it. Ultimately, that will get thrown out. You’re listening to Today in Ohio.

Laura (13:42.177)


Chris (14:08.278)

Who are the latest targets of people who use credit card skimmers to defraud unwary consumers, Laura?

Laura (14:14.776)

These are the people who can least afford it, who are on SNAP benefits, which stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. So those are people who, it’s also known as food stamps, but it’s an electronic, know, electric card, just a credit card now. And those skimmers that they add onto the devices where you swipe your card through, where thieves are putting them on and hoping no one notices, they’re going after those cards right now.

So the Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services cited the significant increase across the county in the electronic theft. So they target the EBT, the electronic benefit transfer cards, and then they copy that information and they get the money. So they’re just getting government money that is supposed to go to help people to feed their families. I mean, this was bad when it was credit cards, but it is even worse when you’re eliminating people’s ability to eat.

Chris (15:05.932)

Yeah, I know. This is really attacking people who can least afford it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve become so wary of any time I’m putting my credit card into any kind of machine now. It’s almost like tap it. And is this real? Is there something additional here? Because these things are so insidious and and apparently spreading left and right. It’s amazing how the cards have become the scam material.

Laura (15:30.252)

Right, so the county is recommending that people with these cards change their PIN just before their load date and then download this Connect EBT smartphone app, and they can lock and unlock their card from their cell phone so that it wouldn’t be open all the time for these scammers to use. Kind of, guess, like your credit score. It just is sad that people are going to have to go through this extra step, which sounds kind of annoying to have to make sure that they are safe. And I don’t think these cards have

the tap capability.

Chris (16:01.1)

Well, and getting that message out is hard. If you’re trying to reach everybody that has one of those cards and get them to understand that turning them on, turning them off, that’s tough messaging. The county should probably turn up the volume on getting that message to them. You are listening to Today in Ohio. Ohio is having the worst drought anyone can remember. Meanwhile, down in the Gulf, Hurricane Helene could be a category four hurricane when it hits the Florida Panhandle. How much relief

Laura (16:04.439)


Chris (16:30.264)

Could the remnants of that hurricane possibly provide to Ohio if they came this way to alleviate our incredibly parched conditions, Leila?

Leila (16:30.996)

Not really much relief, Chris. mean, so Hurricane Helene is going to hit Florida on Thursday, and it looks like Ohio will avoid any major impact of that. According to the National Weather Service, the storm is expected to turn west around Tennessee, away from our region. We might see a little bit of wind.

and less than half an inch of rain as it passes through parts of Kentucky and Indiana, but that’s really about it. Now, even if the hurricane did bring more rain our way, it wouldn’t really be enough to make a real difference. Ohio is, like you said, in this drought period, and we’ve only had about two inches of rain this month in Cuyahoga County, which is still over an inch below normal. Some areas in southern Ohio are seeing up to eight inches less rain than they usually would for the summer.

The dry conditions mean that even if we got a big downpour, the ground wouldn’t absorb it well. That would lead to runoff and flash floods instead of helping crops or trees. Unfortunately, crops are already suffering and the drought is speeding up the changing colors of the leaves on heat stress trees. So while Hurricane Helena isn’t expected to give us much of a break from the drought, at least we’re not going to, I guess, be pummeled by its full force here in Ohio, right? Yeah.

Chris (17:50.998)

Yeah, yeah, it’s that mixed bag, right? We’d love to get the rain, but based on the way storms have hit us this year, the last thing we want is another pile of wind to take out all the power again.

Leila (17:59.677)

I know.

I know, it’s awful.

Chris (18:04.428)

Especially you guys on the West side. You’ve suffered the brunt of that this year. In the past years, it’s been the East side. well, too bad. You’re listening to Today in Ohio. Some members of Congress, instead of lying about and ridiculing Springfield or trying to help the city where it needs the help, it’s still political posturing. But what are they doing, Lisa?

Lisa (18:26.044)

Yeah, so they’re offering to help Springfield, but they’re still getting in their digs in the Biden administration. So Republican Congress members led by Dayton Representative Mike Turner, who represents Springfield, they sent letters to U .S. Attorney Merrick Garland, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. These letters are seeking emergency funding to help with the influx of legal Haitian residents in Springfield.

The letter was signed by Bob Lata of Bowling Green, Mike Carey of Columbus, Brad Wenstrup of Cincinnati, Warren Davidson of Miami County. But they do blame the Biden -Harris administration for creating the immigration crisis in the first place and says it’s their responsibility to provide assistance to Springfield schools, health care, social services, and law enforcement. They say that bomb threats that have come down on Springfield are actually straining law enforcement resources.

And they also claim the influx has increased fatal traffic accidents and spending on local and state migrant trafficking investigations. That was a big hmm for me. And they say that Biden used this law that gives temporary protected status to these Haitian immigrants to just import, you know, groups of migrants. It’s only supposed to be one person, they say, and Biden is using it to have groups of migrants move to the U .S.

Chris (19:52.14)

Let’s be clear. There was not an immigrant crisis in Springfield before JD Vance and Donald Trump started their nonsense. The town of Springfield had lots of unfilled jobs. America saw the Haitian crisis, which and what we do in those crises is we bring, they’re not immigrants, they’re refugees. They’re brought into this country to help preserve their lives and help them thrive. There were jobs to fill. They filled them.

things were going pretty well, it’s just the extra population did strain the police and fire. And so the city officials said, hey, could we get some help here? That was it. Everything was working out just fine until Donald Trump and JD Vance painted these refugees as evil people that are eating the dogs and cats and causing a crime wave. It’s completely not true. And for these guys to attack the Biden administration for doing what America always does,

in helping refugees is total BS. This was the right thing. Everything about this was the right thing, except the town needed some extra resources to deal with the influx of population. It’s ridiculous to call, the bomb threats are happening because of JD Vance and Donald Trump lying. There were no bomb threats before, but as America heard about this and people in Ohio said, this isn’t true, Trump lunatics started calling in bomb threats.

Lisa (21:06.963)

Mm -hmm.

Chris (21:19.47)

completely created by the lies of JD Vance and Donald Trump. And I hope they’re held accountable, either criminally or civilly. They ought to be held accountable for the incredible damage that’s been done to this town. The Republicans that are seeking the aid, it’s a good thing they’re doing it, but everything they say is a lie. This is not some evil plot by Biden to bring in illegal immigrants. We’re doing what we do as a great country. We’re helping people in need.

and Springfield needed them to fill the jobs because they didn’t have candidates for them. That message keeps getting lost in all the nonsense of this thing and all the Fox News BS that’s put out there and it’s gotta stop.

Lisa (22:00.724)

Well, and another thing that’s getting lost and Biden’s press secretary pointed this out is that they have spent $130 million in the last two years to help Ohio communities with recently arrived migrants and the bipartisan border deal that Trump tanked had $1 .4 billion in assistance to these populations. So yeah, there was assistance there. They just didn’t want to vote for it.

Chris (22:26.994)

And make no mistake, everything that’s gone wrong in Springfield is because of JD Vance, who’s supposed to be representing the people who live there. He is the worst senator in the history of Ohio. You’re listening to Today in Ohio. Last time we talked about the spotted lanternfly, the Cleveland infestation that broke out this year was mostly an East Side story. Laura, has that changed in recent weeks? What are the folks in the metro parks seeing as the

Lantern Fly season comes in for a close.

Laura (22:58.382)

Well, I have definitely started seeing them on the west side for the first time, and it’s happening in the Metro parks too. So 13 Metro parks reservations. Now the spotted lanternfly has been spotted there. So Rocky River Reservation last year had a single adult lanternfly discovered. It was smushed in the parking lot of the nature center. And that is obviously on the west side. It’s North Olmsted all the way up to the lake. Actually, it’s Berea all the way to Lake Erie.

But they found small populations of lanternflies all along this reservation this year. And I’m seeing it in the parks here. And what is happening is these lanternflies, attach to cars, kind of like the way mussels attach to boats. And when you drive from one side of town to the other, you bring the lanternfly with them. And we’re talking about the end of the season. That’s why the females are laying their eggs. And every egg sac, which looks like it’s kind of like a white, yeah, yeah.

Chris (23:54.488)


Laura (23:56.27)

Exactly. We have it our website if you really want to go look at it. It has 30 to 60 eggs in every sack. So they’re still telling you, smush the bugs, smush the eggs, try to kill them. Because when these glob onto trees and plants, they’re sucking the moisture out of them. They’re really bad, especially for grapes. And we’ve got lot of arbors on this, at least on the east side of our coverage area.

Chris (24:25.614)

It’s amazing how they just exploded this year. We’ve been talking about them for probably five years now, but this was the year everybody saw them. The delay from east side to west side was interesting. I’m not quite sure what would explain it, but if they’re flying egg masses in all of the metro parks, it means next year, this time, we’re going to have just an explosion of populations.

Leila (24:34.078)

Thank you.

Laura (24:48.642)

And they’re big. Sorry.

Leila (24:48.673)

If it’s.

Lisa (24:48.934)

Because we eat…

Leila (24:51.608)

I was just going to say that if it’s true that they’re, they’re, they’re, you know, jumping onto cars and things like that and hitching rides into everyone’s communities, you guys should know, I saw a smushed one in our parking deck at, our newsroom. So they’re there and you can expect them to be in your neighborhood soon. I’m sure.

Laura (25:04.206)

it worked.

Chris (25:06.796)


Chris (25:11.03)

That’s a pretty wooded area too. So you got to expect they’re all over back there. You’re listening to Today in Ohio. We’ve got some huge names coming to Cleveland for the Rock Call Inductions next month. It will be quite the live show. Leila, who was announced on Wednesday.

Leila (25:25.65)

Yeah, the Rock Hall just announced this really incredible lineup of performers and presenters, and it’s really packed with big names from the world of music and film. Some of the inductees who will be performing include legends like Mary J. Blige and Cher, and one of my personal favorites, the Dave Matthews band. The foreigner will be there, Peter Frampton, Kool and the gang, and Dionne Warwick. And the list of presenters and additional performers is just as star -studded. We’ve got Busta Rhymes.

Dr. Dre, Demi Lovato, Dua Lipa, Slash of Guns N’ Roses, and even actor Julia Roberts will be there. So the ceremony will honor 2024 inductees like Ozzy Osbourne, Tribe Called Quest, and Jimmy Buffett. And we’ll also see some pioneers who are getting recognized, like Alexis Korner and John Mayall and Big Mama Thornton for their musical influence. And this will all be at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse. And for those who can’t be there, you can watch it on

Disney Plus Live or in a primetime special on ABC that will air on January 1st.

Chris (26:27.434)

I, when I saw Julie Roberts, struck me as odd. She’s an actress. What’s she doing there? And so I called Mike Norman, our long time rock coverage guy who’s been our arts and culture editor for years now. And his initial speculation was it must be somehow related to Cher, but he got back to me this morning and said, no, got it wrong. It’s all about Dave Matthews. She’s a huge Dave Matthews fan. So she’s tied to that. Dua Lipa is tied to Cher. So it’s, it’s just a

Leila (26:30.28)

Yeah, weird,

Leila (26:49.494)


Chris (26:56.352)

incredible star studded cast coming to Cleveland. The names and they’re not done yet. Apparently there’s going to be more Roger Daltrey from the who was going to be here. Talk about one of the original rock legends. It’s just, that’s going to be one hell of a show. And they no longer do what they used to do, which is record the whole thing and then try and edit it down. Things broadcast live. mean, you watch it in real time.

Leila (27:21.14)

Do we know how they did on on inducting women this year? How’s this? Yeah, Cher, Mary J. Blige. Or no, did she get in this? No.

Chris (27:25.826)

Well, shares in.

Yeah, I mean, it’s, there’s, I think, I think, yeah, I think, I think there were quite a few more women than in many of the past classes. I don’t know why it took so long to have Cher get in. mean, she’s had a number one hit, I think in seven different decades, most recent one being some Christmas tune she did last year. And she was annoyed. I mean, at one point she said, yeah, if they ever give it to me, I’m not coming because.

Laura (27:33.484)

Yes, Mary J. Blige is one of the inductees.

Leila (27:35.548)


Leila (27:44.325)


Chris (27:57.204)

Nobody’s been around that long really, but she’s embracing it completely and she’s going to perform. So hell of a show coming to Cleveland. A lot to look forward to in October. Hopefully the guardians will still be playing then as well. You’re listening to Today in Ohio. That’s it for the Thursday episode. We’ll be back Friday to wrap up a week of news. Thanks, Lisa. Thanks, Laura. Thanks, Leila. Thank you for being listeners to Today in Ohio.

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