Don’t let Issue 1′s ballot language confuse you. End gerrymandering by voting for Issue 1.

Don’t let Issue 1′s ballot language confuse you. End gerrymandering by voting for Issue 1.

Don’t let Issue 1′s ballot language confuse you. End gerrymandering by voting for Issue 1.

As an American, I believe in fairness and justice. Passing Issue 1 on Nov 5 will cement fairness and justice in our Ohio Constitution by ending gerrymandering. Having fair voting districts, free of partisanship and injustice, will finally give Ohio voters the confidence they need to rebuild trust in our statewide elections.

Republican, Democrat and independent voters want this! Don’t be confused by the ballot language; it was written by politicians. The amendment will end gerrymandering. Vote “yes” on Issue 1.

Name withheld by request,


The writer is a retired psychologist.

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