Be trustworthy in work | Gem Media Online

Be trustworthy in work | Gem Media Online

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 27 – Every person must realize that he always carries a trust, be it trust in himself, family, community, country or religion.

Trust is one of the praiseworthy qualities demanded in Islam, where everyone has trust and responsibility that needs to be fulfilled in all aspects of life.

Among the examples that can be linked to the trust is practicing trust in work whether in the public service, private sector or self-employment.

This matter was emphasized by the preacher in today’s Friday sermon titled Is Cash Already Trustworthy? who went on to add, a trustworthy employee sees the job as a responsibility that will be questioned and held accountable in front of Allah SWT.

As an employee, especially a civil servant who has been given a mandate to hold a position in the government, he stressed, one should always be careful in carrying the trust given, lest the trust entrusted to be betrayed.

Be trustworthy in work | Gem Media Online

Khatib also shared some things that need to be taken care of and emphasized in maintaining trust in work.

Among these are taking care of and keeping to work hours, being honest in finding financial resources without involving bribery or fraud, not oppressing and oppressing others to fulfill one’s own interests, always being diligent and sincere when working and not betraying the trust that has been given and the like.

“We must always be trustworthy and do our job well, using all our abilities, potential and expertise in carrying out the tasks given without any neglect and deviation,” emphasized the preacher.

An employee must work diligently to carry out a trust and perform a task thinking that the income will be the main source of sustenance for himself and his family.

The preacher further affirmed that as a Muslim we believe that all deeds done in this world will be repaid either in the form of reward or punishment in the afterlife.

Possessing trustworthiness is an important pillar in all aspects including work matters, all responsibilities and tasks carried out must truly comply with the concept by placing work as worship.

The preacher in the sermon went on to explain that we are not only controlled by the laws and regulations of the world, but at the same time it is controlled by the heart with a sense of trust and responsibility to Allah SWT.

Every year, Brunei Darussalam celebrates Public Service Day (HPA) which is a key pillar in activating human resources and contributing to the country’s development program in achieving the Brunei Vision 2035.

The theme of this year’s 13th HPA celebration, Empowerment and Public Service Unity Catalyst for National Well-Being.

Khatib further called, as civil servants should equally carry out their responsibilities efficiently and wisely, be accountable, responsive, have integrity, be honest and trustworthy, fair and so on.

Before ending his sermon, he also advised civil servants to prepare to face future challenges by intensifying and strengthening and empowering the image of the civil service.

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