Encountered a giant at night

Encountered a giant at night

Before going to work that night, Haji Ali’s heart was not good.

As if something was going to happen to him. He prayed for prayers so that something bad would not happen. He goes out at night to find halal sustenance for his wife and children.

Haji Ali works as a night watchman at one of the companies in the capital. Haji Ali took his usual seat while reading the Holy Quran.

“God willing, nothing untoward will happen that night,” his heart whispered.

Haji Ali is also responsible for supervising not only outside the building but also inside the building as well. He was entrusted to hold the keys to almost the entire main door of the building.

Encountered a giant at night
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The clock showed almost 2 in the morning.

Haji Ali was sure that what he saw was not just wishful thinking. That is the reality.

He saw a woman in a white dress and long hair walking in the area.

“This is not random. This is the devil. The devil who always incites people to the wrong path and distorts people’s minds from remembering Allah,” whispered Haji Ali in his heart.

Haji Ali is not an ordinary person. He demanded to fill his chest with knowledge because he knew throughout his work as a night watchman there that he had seen many strange things. This is one of those attempts.

The woman seemed to be pacing back and forth in that place as if she had lost her direction. Haji Ali took another look at where the woman was going. The woman went through the glass door without any problem and without having to open the locked door.

Haji Ali was slow because he had to open the door from behind. Finally it seems that the woman is no longer visible.

Haji Ali returned to his resting place and began to feel puzzled.

Where is the purpose of the woman? His mouth twitched as he remembered the verses he had memorized to face such an atmosphere.

It is not in vain that he studies to prepare himself because he understands that the work he does is not something easy.

Suddenly it sounded like a strong rustle of wind. He had never seen a tornado in his life but from what he had observed from the television screen the sound he heard was like the sound of a tornado. He came out.

The night is so dark. There was some faint moonlight in the distance. No strong wind. But the loud noise was heard and was getting closer to the area. Haji Ali began to feel scared.

Little by little, fear began to take root in his heart.

Plus he was alone. He didn’t know what he was facing now.

The sound grew louder with a shattering thump.

“Surprisingly, the surrounding soil is not cracked. Will an earthquake hit?,” thought Haji Ali.

He had experienced an earthquake when he was in Indonesia during his youth. He went there to study martial arts from a famous scholar on the island. That was the first and last time he ever felt the tremors of the volcano.

Suddenly a strange feeling came inside Haji Ali. A feeling of horror mixed with wonder. He lifted his head up.

He saw a very large foot. He only saw one calf covered in coarse hair. As if there was a very large creature standing in that area. I don’t know where the position of one leg is.

Haji Ali spoke a lot. He apologized as much as possible. His voice did not come out to shout. The tongue is hard to express the words. Only the heart can speak. The time seemed to pass so long, and like the sound of a tornado, suddenly the leg disappeared.

Ah… the board’s footprint was enough to demolish a building guarded by Haji Ali. The atmosphere became quiet again. The shaking stopped.

Not long after, the call to prayer was heard to mark the time of dawn. Haji Ali then took prayer water and performed the morning prayer in the area of ​​the building lined with clean newspapers. He was thankful for being safe from the unwanted things.

He was very impressed with the power of God who made not only humans but also other creatures with different characteristics from humans to exist on this earth.

Although Haji Ali only saw the creature once.

He knew he wasn’t daydreaming or delusional.

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