Kg Sg Besar Mosque held Al-Quran khatam

Kg Sg Besar Mosque held Al-Quran khatam

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 27 – The Al-Quran tadarus congregation at Kampung Sungai Besar Mosque, today, held an Al-Quran Khatam Ceremony to express gratitude after the recitation of the 30 verses of the Al-Quran.

Present and participating in the ceremony, the Head of Kampung Sungai Besar, Kampung Serdang and Kampung Sungai Belukut, Lieutenant Colonel (B) Haji Zaini bin Haji Damit. Also present was the Advisor to the Kampung Sungai Besar Mosque Improvement Committee, Haji Mohidin bin Director Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman.

The ceremony started with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and the recitation of Surah Ad-Duha until Surah An-Nas led by Awang Abdul Rahim bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Haji Mohd Tamin.

Meanwhile, Doa Khatam and Doa Peliharakan Sultan and Brunei Darussalam were read by the Imam of Kampung Sungai Besar Mosque, Pengiran Hassan Basri bin Pengiran Haji Ismail.

The ceremony is one of the acts of worship for the morning worshipers of the Kampung Sungai Besar Mosque which aims to ‘One Month Once Khatam Al-Quran’.

Kg Sg Besar Mosque held Al-Quran khatam
Al-Quran Tadarus Subuh Masjid Kampung Sungai Besar pilgrims took many photos during the event. – PHOTO BY SALAWATI HAJI YAHYA

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