Dear Abby: After finding Mom’s old love letters, I can recommend cherishing precious memories

Dear Abby: After finding Mom’s old love letters, I can recommend cherishing precious memories

Dear Abby: After finding Mom’s old love letters, I can recommend cherishing precious memories

Dear Abby: You have printed letters from readers asking what to do with old love letters (either before they die or when they are found after a death). Let me share my story.

One evening, shortly after our mother passed, my siblings and I were going through some of her belongings and came across correspondence between her and our stepfather, written before they were married. My sister and I began putting them in chronological order and took turns reading them aloud. The content was spicy (their behavior was somewhat frisky!).

Our brother covered his ears, claiming his mom would never behave that way! My sister and I, on the other hand, were laughing and delighted to learn about these intimate and romantic details of the early days of their relationship. My (adult) daughter’s eyes were bulging, but I reminded her that Grandma was her age once, as was I!

My advice is to treasure these precious memories and preserve them for your children and grandchildren. As for us, we have scanned the letters into our family’s digital archive so they will be available for future generations.

— Just Wanted to Share

Dear Just: Thank you for sharing. Not all people are comfortable thinking about their parents as sexual beings. If your mother was as “frisky” as the letters revealed, I hope you have labeled them “X-rated” so they won’t shock more members of your family.


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See all “Dear Abby” columns

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, California 90069. Copyright 2024, Andrews, McMeel Syndication.

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