Harris economic policy speech: Darcy cartoon

Harris economic policy speech: Darcy cartoon

Harris economic policy speech: Darcy cartoon

CLEVELAND, Ohio– This past week Democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris gave her first major economic policy speech at Carnegie Mellon University before The Economic Club of Pittsburgh. Harris and her speech won rave reviews from Mark Cuban who attended and is among the business leaders who have endorsed Vice President Harris.

There’s an old saying that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. That’s the story of the steel city – the city that helped build the middle class, birth America’s labor movement, empower the rise of American manufacturing; and the city where Allen Newell and Herbert Simon launched the first AI research hub at CarnegieMellon,” said Harris.

Pittsburgh was also a fitting spot for the speech because Pennsylvania is a pivotal state for election victory and the Steelers are currently leading the NFL’s Central Division.

Labeled “Comrade Kamala” by Trump, Harris sought to recast herself as ‘Capitalist Kamala’ who is pragmatic and will follow the lead of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, not President Donald Trump, who she called “The biggest loser” of manufacturing jobs, over 200,000.

Mark Cuban remarked “She’s a good CEO…I loved it…she said all the right things. Here is some more of what he had to say about Harris and the speech in an interview on MSNBC with Nicole Wallace, President George W. Bush’s former communications director.

People on the right always talking about [Harris] being a Marxist or Communist which is ridiculous. She really put that to bed. She’s going to partner with business, giving business incentives to grow. She respected every size business from small to large, and that really the future of the country, military, economically, is going to be driven by new technology that she understands and supports.”

“I loved it. Talked about removing red tape. About allowing building to happen faster so we can get things done. And she talked about being open to new ideas, so when somebody comes in with a better way to do it, we’ll iterate, review it, do it a better way. What ever’s the best way, that’s what she wants to do.”

“She said very clearly she’s not an ideologue. She doesn’t care what the historical ideology was, she wants to do the right thing. She wants to help the economy. She wants to help the middle class. Wants to help business’s grow, that helps the middle class. She said all the right things.”

“Trump is a hammer threatening companies. Harris is a carrot. Giving incentives to grow. Such a stark difference.”

“Donald is so impetuous, so impulsive in everything he says. You can tell the Kamala Harris team has vetted every single thing she’s said…is it good policy.”

She’s a good CEO who says we need to do this right because I’m responsible to my stakeholders and we need to make sure we do it the right way. You could not have a greater difference between two candidates. It’s such a difference, so different from what Donald Trump is doing and it’s a real positive for the entire business community.”

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