KRI Tawau is ready for e-passport facilities

KRI Tawau is ready for e-passport facilities

TAWAU, SEPT 29 – The Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) issues an electronic passport or known as an e-passport, for the needs of citizens of the republic who are abroad, especially in Tawau.

The head of KRI Tawau Representative, Aris Heru Utomo said this electronic passport, has a chip that stores biometric security data of the owner including facial shape and fingerprints and personal documents, which can be scanned like using a debit card.

“Issuing this electronic passport is KRI Tawau’s commitment to improve services for Indonesian citizens in Tawau, including those who travel between countries regularly. Indonesian citizens can contact KRI Tawau starting this Monday to apply for electronic passports, in addition to normal passports,” he told reporters after officiating the launch of electronic passports today. He said there are currently more than 170,000 Indonesian citizens in Tawau and the surrounding areas.

Meanwhile, Aris said the move of the Indonesian capital from Jakarta to Nusantara in East Kalimantan will have a positive effect not only on the region in Kalimantan but also on Tawau which borders North Kalimantan by land.

“There are many commonalities that can be a strong basis for developing relations between Indonesia and Malaysia, especially in Tawau in various fields including economic cooperation and border trade.

“Indonesia is developing a National Cross-Border Post (PLBN) in Nyamuk River, Sebatik Island, Nunukan Regency which will be an economic gateway in the border sea area of ​​the two countries,” he said. – Named

KRI Tawau is ready for e-passport facilities
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