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Friday, October 11, 2024

Wisdom and conditions of repentance according to Islam

(In the name of Allah, All praise be to Allah, Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, his family, friends and followers)

Prepared by the Government Mufti Department

A continuation from last week

2) The words of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala which interpret:
And repent to God, O believers, hopefully you will be victorious.
(Surah an-Nur: 31)

3) Hadith Qudsi narrated from Abu Dzarr Radhiallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said that God Subhanahu wa Ta’ala said which means:
O My servant! Indeed, you sin night and day, and I forgive all sins, so you ask Me for forgiveness and I will forgive you.
(Hadith narrated by Muslim)

It is also found in several hadiths of the Prophet Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam about this demand for repentance, including:

1) From Ibn ‘Umar Radhiallahu ‘anhuma, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said which means:
Oh man! Repent to God, because indeed I am
repent to Him a hundred times a day.
(Hadith narrated by Muslim)

Wisdom and conditions of repentance according to Islam
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2) Narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah Radhiallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said which means:
O people! Repent to God before you die. Be quick to do good deeds before your time is filled (busy) with business and work.

Connect the relationship between you and your God by multiplying the memory (zikr) of Him.
(Hadith narrated by Ibn Majah)


Repenting is not only seen as an act of asking for forgiveness. It contains many wisdoms that are difficult to reach by ordinary thinking.

God has wisdom Subhanahu wa Ta’ala mention specifically, special for people who repent a lot asking for forgiveness with true repentance.

Among them:
1. Gain God’s love Subhanahu wa Ta’ala as His words interpret:
Indeed, Allah loves those who repent a lot and loves those who always purify themselves.
(Surah al-Baqarah: 222)

2. Become a rejecter of the punishment of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. His word that interprets:
And Allah will never torture them as long as they seek forgiveness.
(Surah al-Anfaal: 33)

3. Accepting the guarantee of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala by obtaining good from past evil as His words interpret:
But those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds, then they are the ones whose evil is replaced by good. And God is Forgiving and Merciful.
(Surah al-Furqan: 70)

4. Enjoy the smoothness and breadth of sustenance. The words of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala which interpret:
So I said (to them): Ask your Lord for forgiveness, indeed He is Oft-Forgiving. (If you do so), surely He will pour heavy rain on you.
(Surah Nuh: 10-11)


Islam outlines the conditions for someone who wants to repent, whether repenting from a sin committed by humans that touches the rights of God Subhanahu wa Ta’ala (a sin against Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) or touching the rights of fellow human beings themselves (a sin against others).

A repentance is not considered perfect except by fulfilling the following conditions:
a. Repenting from the sin between the servant and Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala has three conditions for him, namely:

a. Stop doing the sins committed.

b. Repent sincerely for the sins he has committed.

c. Determined earnestly not to repeat the sin and also anything forbidden by God Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

The sins in question include minor sins and major sins.

Among the examples of major sins are leaving the obligatory five-time prayer, leaving the Ramadan fast, drinking alcohol, committing adultery, killing and so on.

In Tafsir al-Qurthubi it is mentioned that if the sin touches the rights of God Subhanahu wa Ta’ala such as leaving five obligatory prayers, then a person’s repentance is not valid unless he regrets his sin and makes up the remaining prayers.

Likewise with the act of leaving the obligatory fast or neglecting to pay zakat, his repentance is not valid unless he makes up for the missed fast or pays zakat (if it reaches the haul and nisab) and resolves not to leave the fast or zakat that is obligatory on him.

b. Repent from sin in relation to fellow human beings, for him there are 4 conditions, namely:
a. Stop committing the sins committed.

b. Repent sincerely for the sins he has committed.

c. Determined earnestly not to repeat the sin and also anything forbidden by God Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

d. Asking to release the sin from its rightful owner.

For example:
• If the sin is related to property, for example he took other people’s property, then he should return the property to the owner of the property
• If the sin is related to hadd qadzaf, for example he accuses someone of committing adultery, then he should surrender himself to be hadd to
the person he accused or he apologized
• If the sin is related to cursing, then he should apologize to the person he cursed.

The repentance of a person (whose sin is related to human rights) is not valid unless he returns it to that person either in kind (physical) like money and the like or in other ways like asking for forgiveness,
if he is able (to ask for the release of the sin from the rightful owner ‘aini or otherwise).

If he is not able, then he should be determined to fulfill it when he is able as soon as possible.

A person has a duty to repent from sins he has committed, not to mention major sins.

That great sin cannot make him despair of God’s mercy Subhanahu wa Ta’ala The Most High.

Because God is the Acceptor of Repentance and the Most Merciful.

Sins of any magnitude, when compared to His grace and grace, then those sins are very light and small. The words of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala which interpret:
Indeed, your Lord is very forgiving.
(Surah an-Najm: 32)

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