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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dear Annie: How do I get a friend to stop talking about the past

Dear Annie: How do I get a friend to stop talking about the past

Dear Annie: I’ve reconnected with a high school friend, and it’s been fun catching up. However, she constantly talks about the past, and I’d rather focus on the present. How can I gently shift our conversations to more current topics without making her feel like I’m dismissing our shared memories? — Ready for the Now

Dear Ready: It’s quite special to have a friendship that’s made it through so many different seasons of life — how fun for you two to rekindle a relationship all these years later.

The next time this friend brings up something from the past, try responding with something like: “I love reminiscing about the good ol’ days. But what about these days? Tell me more about XYZ!” This acknowledges her nostalgic side while showing you’re interested in more than just the past you two share.

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