The UAE…a pioneering model in international relations and global cooperation

The UAE…a pioneering model in international relations and global cooperation

The UAE…a pioneering model in international relations and global cooperation

Success returns The UAE In this endeavor, it relies largely on its effective strategies in promoting diplomacy and sustainable development, and employing its resources in a way that promotes peace and international cooperation.

The state adopts a constructive diplomatic approach Strong partnerships With various countries, including major economic powers such as the United States And China And RussiaAnd influential regional countries such as Saudi Arabia And Egypt. Hence, the policy of diversification in partnerships is one of the pillars on which UAE foreign policy is based, as the country skillfully and wisely balances between competing relationships on the international stage, giving it a pivotal position in resolving conflicts and mediating international issues.

Based on this role, the UAE presented itself as a moderate force calling for dialogue and promoting the principle Positive neutralityIt was keen not to get involved in international polarization, avoiding taking sides with one party against another. This position allowed her to play vital diplomatic roles, such as mediating the exchange of prisoners between Russia Finally, Ukraine, in addition to its effective contribution to supporting stability and peace in various regions of the world, especially the Middle East and the Horn of Africa, in addition to its development and relief aid and the white hands of the Sons of Zayed.

A few days ago, the UAE announced the success of its mediation efforts between the two republics Russia The Federal Republic and Ukraine completed a new prisoner-of-war exchange that included 190 prisoners equally from both sides, bringing the total number of prisoners exchanged between the two countries in these mediations to 2,184 prisoners.

In addition to its diplomatic strength, the UAE has presented a pioneering economic development model based on diversification Sources of incomeand rely on Technology and innovation as key drivers of growth. Thus, the UAE investment environment attracts many international capital thanks to the political stability and attractive and flexible economic climate it offers. To become a regional center for trade and investment, as well as its leadership in… Renewable energy And green economy.

This economic diversification not only contributed to achieving high growth rates, but also to strengthening the Emirati role on the international scene through what is called “development diplomacy.” Where the Emirates seeks through Its economic partnerships To achieve well-being for its people and contribute to improving living standards in other countries.

In addition, it is noteworthy that the UAE’s commitment to supporting international peace and security is among its foreign policy priorities, as it has participated in many regional and international initiatives aimed at promoting stability and peace. The UAE has joined major economic and political blocs such as the “Brix“, in a step aimed at diversifying its international relations and actively participating in shaping the trends of the global economy.

The capital of humanity and an oasis of peace

The UAE’s external orientations focus on humanitarian and development values ​​that make it the capital of humanity and an oasis of peace, which reflects the interest in the UAE’s leadership globally and consolidating its regional and international position during the coming period, through good neighbourliness, as the UAE considers the geographical, popular and cultural environment within which the country lives to be the first line of defense. About its security, safety, and future development, and it is working to develop stable and positive political, economic, and popular relations with this environment.

With reference to praise Russian President Vladimir Putin on the role of the UAE, and his confirmation that he has friendly relations with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed and that he is welcome in Russian territory and will hold a special meeting with him, reflects the great appreciation of a major country like Russia for the leadership and people of the UAE, and that its role is important in international strategic relations.

Great development

In addition, the international relations expert at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Dr. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, said in exclusive statements to the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website, that the visit of the President of the United Arab Emirates to Russia comes in the context of the Emirati participation in BRICS summit Which is held in the Russian city of Kazan.

He stressed that this visit represents great importance, as it is the first participation of the UAE in the BRICS group since its official joining in January 2024, in addition to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Iran. It also reflects that UAE foreign policy has developed significantly in recent years to the point that it has become based on clear and stable foundations, which are: follows:

  • Diversifying the UAE’s foreign policy departments and diversifying economic and strategic partnerships with all countries of the world, east, west, north and south, as it conducts economic partnerships with all countries, especially those that influence the international economic system and the political system. It has partnerships with America, Russia, China, Japan and different regions of the world, which reflects the strength of The strength and vitality of UAE foreign policy.
  • UAE foreign policy is characterized by a policy of positive neutrality, that is, not engaging in global polarization, especially in light of the state of international polarization between America and its allies on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other hand. The UAE is open to all countries and has partnerships with all countries without being at the expense of A partnership with another country… This policy made it open to all countries in order to gain international credibility from all countries, whether America, Russia, or China. Even competitors seek to build partnerships with the Emirates.
  • Joining international blocs, most notably BRICS, is part of the UAE’s endeavor to present a development model that reflects its comprehensive vision of diversifying the structure of the UAE economy, expanding non-oil sources, and relying on technology and knowledge. Therefore, it presents an important development model and has achieved significant growth rates. These partnerships and economic blocs come In the context of “development diplomacy”; That is, employing rational and effective UAE foreign policy to support domestic development by localizing technology and attracting investments in a way that maximizes UAE interests and the UAE role.
  • Emirati foreign policy is based on the idea of ​​strengthening international peace and security. The Emirates, along with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, represent the trend of moderation in the region, especially since it sides with international law and the United Nations Charter not to interfere in the internal affairs of countries and respect their sovereignty and unity. Therefore, Emirati foreign policy enjoys great credibility with all countries. .
  • The UAE has provided a pioneering development model, especially with regard to comprehensive development and renaissance, employing technology, investing in people, and building a knowledge model, which has enabled it to be an inspiring model for other countries, achieving development and benefiting from human resources.
  • The state’s foreign policy is based on the idea of ​​maximizing international collective action by enhancing international cooperation in the field of confronting global challenges such as climate change, epidemics, diseases, desertification, and drought, and thus it has presented a pioneering model in expanding renewable energy, the economy, and green hydrogen.

Ahmed stressed that the UAE’s foreign policy has made the UAE have a distinguished position on the regional and global economic map as well as on the political map due to the effectiveness of this policy and its prominent role in providing a development model and its role in enhancing regional security and stability, defending Arab issues, especially the Palestinian issue, and presenting a global model based on moderation.

Politics and international relations

For his part, the advisor to the Arab Center for Studies and Research, Abu Bakr Al-Deeb, confirmed in special statements to the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website that the UAE’s foreign policy has been witnessing remarkable development for years, and that it now has great diplomatic power at the presidential level, under the leadership of Sheikh Mohammed. Bin Zayed, and even at the level of strong Emirati diplomacy.

He said that the UAE was able and succeeded in becoming the capital of politics at the world level and a destination for all parties, explaining that:

  • The UAE enjoys strong and distinguished relations with all parties, even conflicting ones, for example in the East, such as Russia and China, and the West, such as the United States of America and Europe.
  • The UAE is one of the few countries that enjoys balance in its relations between all major international powers, and it also has strong strategic relations with countries in the region such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and many countries in the region.
  • The UAE holds many files in the Middle East, and many countries that want to achieve peace and stability in the region are turning to it.
  • Emirati diplomacy, in recent years in particular, has played a major role in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa, and even globally, and participated in a prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine. It has an important role and is highly relied upon in the Middle East region.
  • The UAE is an important economic power and has economic freedom that is sought after by investors in all respects due to the attractive investment climate for capital.
  • Emirati diplomacy has sought over the past years to include all files in the region, as we find the UAE’s white hand in all files in the region and the African continent by providing aid to many countries in need of aid.

He reviewed some of the factors behind the growing Emirati role globally. Among them is the political will of its leaders to make it a state that achieves prosperity for its citizens and for people around the world, shaping long-term future directions and drawing a more flexible, comprehensive and sustainable vision for the future of humanity, as well as its interest in peace, peace, dialogue and comprehensive development, which has worked to consolidate its international standing.

The advisor to the Arab Center for Studies and Research, in his interview with the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website, explained that the vision of the United Arab Emirates is based on peace, peace, dialogue, comprehensive development, and providing the best life for its people and for the peoples of the world, and this appears in the “Fifty Principles” document that sets the path through… The next fifty years chart the strategic path of the UAE in the economic, political, developmental and internal fields.

Strategic plan

In addition, the researcher in international relations, Muhammad Rabie Al-Daihi, pointed out in exclusive statements to the “Eqtisad Sky News Arabia” website that the interactions carried out by the UAE at the international and regional levels are very important interactions that reflect the extent of the political leadership in the Emirates’ awareness and understanding of the interactions. Regional and international.

He added that these interactions reflect the pivotal role of the UAE, at the international and regional levels, in many international issues and developments, whether this role was at the political and economic level, and even at the level of mediation or providing a lot of humanitarian aid to some countries suffering from conflicts and crises.

He stated that the vision of the political leadership in the UAE regarding the necessity of interacting with the changing international environment, which is changing rapidly, reflects the existence of a strategic plan in the country regarding interaction with regional and international issues in a significant way.

He reviewed some of the factors that helped grow the UAE’s role globally in recent years, including:

  • The vision of the political leadership in the Emirates.
  • The UAE strategy aims to make the UAE a regional player.
  • The UAE intervenes in many files by supporting stability and peace processes, proposing political visions to promote regional and international peace, and developing humanitarian efforts in this field.
  • The Emirati economy and the role that economic factors play in the Emirates to enhance its position and its important strategic location in the Arabian Gulf, which confirms the centrality of its role.

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