Wednesday’s letters: Carbon-tax critics, donate those rebates

Wednesday’s letters: Carbon-tax critics, donate those rebates

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This is merely a suggestion for all those who are opposed to the carbon tax and are so vehemently vocal about this federal program. Now that you have received your credit refund, rather than have your position compromised by accepting this refund, I can suggest numerous charities that would gladly accept your rebate as a donation: local food banks, women’s shelters, Indigenous groups, homeless shelters.

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I am sure you get the picture, and this way you don’t have to compromise your lofty morals by accepting the refund but may continue to deny the issues of climate change. Win-win for all!

Roberta Babcock, Morinville

Climate column ignores calamities

Re. “The right should openly question climate alarmism,” David Staples, Oct. 18

In Friday’s Journal, David Staples railed against climate “alarmism.” This is not the first time he has expressed this view. I recall a column from last summer with a similar theme. The column was written the same week the downtown was not visible from the Wayne Gretzky Drive bridge because of smoke haze. At about the same time. two sets of friends evacuated their homes in Kelowna due to the threat of wildfires and 33 million people were impacted by historic floods in Pakistan.

A few weeks later, I hoped to look out on a blue Mediterranean Sea from a Spanish beach. Instead, the air and water were obscured by smoke from fires that devastated the Greek Island of Rhodes. While it is not possible to draw a direct line between any of these events and climate change, the cumulative effect of pouring carbon into the atmosphere has been irrefutably established through multiple lines of evidence.

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Do I discount the evidence of my eyes, nose, and lungs, the traumatic experiences of my friends and ignore scientific consensus and, instead put my trust in populist politicians and a handful of rogue scientists? Sorry, but that doesn’t seem rational to me. So, Mr. Staples, continue to critique government initiatives to tackle this complicated problem, perhaps including the provincial government’s head-in-the-sand approach, but please don’t ask me to ignore reality.

Anthony McClellan, Edmonton

UCP trying to sway local elections

Ric McIver makes the statement that our intent with Bill 20 “is to increase accountability, transparency and public trust in local elections.” This is sophistry cranked up to the max.

Bill 20 is nothing more than an attempt to achieve more control over city administrations and local politics in Edmonton and Calgary as these two cities are not electing the lunatic-fringe elements of the UCP. This has irritated provincial ministers to no end.

Ralph Williams, Edmonton

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