Poll workers now must allow people wearing political apparel to vote

Poll workers now must allow people wearing political apparel to vote

Poll workers now must allow people wearing political apparel to vote

I have been working the polls for many years, and I just went to training for the Nov. 5 election. Like most of the poll workers, I am a senior. I do it as a civic duty. The training is not only on the equipment and voter ID rules, but now we are given training and manuals on de-escalation. Part of this new training is to allow voters who are wearing political apparel to vote, so they do not become unruly, violent or belligerent within the voting place.

This is officially campaigning in a polling place and illegal. Working the polls used to be something of a very long day senior potluck. Not anymore.

Next will we need armed guards and shooter drills? I blame one man.

Name withheld by request,


The writer is a Lake County poll worker.

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