Sincere in worship, avoid hypocrisy

Sincere in worship, avoid hypocrisy

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, OCT 25 – Islam demands its people to have praiseworthy qualities and prohibits its people from being vile in order to achieve happiness and success in life in this world and the hereafter.

In addition, the Islamic religion also describes riak as one of the vile and reprehensible traits, riak is a spiritual disease which is a hidden act in a person’s heart and feelings with a specific intention and purpose.

The preacher emphasized that in today’s Friday sermon entitled, Riak spoils all good things.

In addition, the preacher in his sermon also shared, according to Imam Al-Hafiz Ahmad Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani, a gesture is a manifestation of an act of worship with the aim that it be seen by people and they praise the doer of the act.

“It is different from those who reveal their practices to encourage other people to emulate them where there is benefit in it while always racing to perform righteous deeds solely for the sake of God,” he explained.

Sincere in worship, avoid hypocrisy

He said again, “People who do riak aim to show their greatness, kindness, struggle and practice, in other words riak is a useless act because it contains an element of hypocrisy.”

“They will always look for opportunities to be praised and always pretend in front of people, and if they are praised it will increase their practice, but if they are despised, it will reduce their practice,” he stressed.

The preacher further reminded that this is contrary to the will of the Islamic religion which always tells its people to do charity or to do good things and charitable deeds with a sincere and sincere heart because they hope for God’s approval.

He went on to explain that people who do their deeds with this gesture are classified by the Prophet SAW as Shirik Ashgar or minor shirk, which is an act that associates God without overtly.

Ripples are the destroyer of all practices and those practices will be in vain without realizing it and also the destroyer of all good deeds, this is because the person who acts with ripples, he sins and his practice is not accepted by God.

Magnificence, fame, and forgetting the greatness and majesty of God are among the factors that invite a person to be ripple in his life.

The preacher then shared from the hadith of the Prophet SAW that can be used as a lesson about the three groups that were thrown by God into the fire of hell, even though they had done noble deeds.

“All this is because they do those practices not because of Allah alone, but to get praise, appreciation and flattery from the community.

He also said, “Riak is a forbidden trait in Islam, every Muslim should always try to stay away from it in order to be able to purify himself, his heart, his feelings and his soul in living his life”.

To overcome the nature of ripples, an important step is to do mujahadah, which is to be diligent in rejecting lust. In addition, there is a need for muraqabah, which is observing one’s own actions and repenting to return to God after committing a sin, by asking for forgiveness and being determined not to repeat the sin and diligently doing righteous deeds.

Tawaduk, which is humility in fulfilling God’s rights and sincerity in worship, is also important to gain God’s pleasure. Blessings such as knowledge, wealth and rank should be appreciated and utilized according to the path that pleases God.

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