A teacher is like a light that illuminates the darkness

A teacher is like a light that illuminates the darkness

By Salawati Haji Yahya –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Sept 20 – A teacher is like a light that illuminates the darkness and gives guidance and guidance in understanding whatever knowledge is learned.

The task of being a teacher or educator is not a task that can be done by everyone, because only skilled and capable people are able to do so.

With an attitude that does not know tiredness or discouragement, they sacrifice their whole soul and body, time, money and energy, trying and fighting to give the best to their students.

The preacher explained the matter while delivering the Friday sermon titled Quality Teachers Driving Educational Transformation.

According to him, knowledge is very important in human life, it is the key to happiness, because knowledge will help us succeed in this world and also succeed in the hereafter.

“Islam educates to seek knowledge as best as possible covering fardu ain such as knowledge of faith, sharia and morals as well as knowledge of fardu kifayah which is sufficient in various fields such as technology, skills, medicine and so on.

A teacher is like a light that illuminates the darkness

“In seeking knowledge, we need to find a guide or teacher and this is the role and duty of the teacher to convey and teach knowledge to his students,” he stressed.

The teacher’s task, he said, is comprehensive in the process of forming a human being that provides a solid foundation or foundation so that students can achieve success, not only in terms of academic achievement, but also able to form people with good morals and a noble personality.

“In Islam, the position of a teacher is considered high and noble according to the height of knowledge,” he explained.

Looking at how great a teacher’s service to society, nation and country is, it is only natural that they are respected, loved and appreciated, and Islam promises a great reward from Allah.

September 23 is the date chosen to recognize the contributions and services of teachers in Brunei Darussalam with a theme This year’s Teacher’s Day, Quality Teachers Drive Educational Transformation along with the sub-theme of Education for a Changing World.

Khatib added, teachers are the drivers of change who always inspire students to reach their full potential and teachers are not only educators but also mentors who foster yearning, creativity and also trigger students’ enthusiasm for lifelong learning.

By adapting innovative teaching methods and utilizing technology, he explained, teachers will always continue to be creative in teaching by making it more interesting and relevant to the challenges of the 21st century.

Khatib went on to explain, in a rapidly changing digital world, digital skills and literacy as well as critical evaluation are necessary for students and here teachers play an important role in this process.

They not only deliver learning content and assessment wisely, but also teach students how to critically evaluate received information sources and encourage responsible use of technology.

In educating the nation’s children, he stressed, as parents and the community also have a role to join hands and cooperate with teachers in shaping children into excellent and quality people in the future.

In that direction, the Khatib further called for mutual appreciation of the teachers’ dedication

and support their efforts to empower the next generation as global citizens who are always ready to make a positive contribution to the ever-changing world in achieving National Vision 2035.

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