Active weather alert | Gem Media Online

Active weather alert | Gem Media Online

By Sim YH

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 25 SEPT – The weather conditions in Brunei Darussalam are predicted to be active from today, 25 to 27 September with thundery rain, occasional heavy rain and strong winds expected to occur in coastal areas in the early morning and inland areas in the late afternoon before moving to the sea area at night.

Meanwhile, the wind speed can increase up to 50 km/h during heavy rain or strong winds and the sea conditions are generally choppy at a slight level, below 1 meter.

Information on the country’s weather conditions, issued by the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD), Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, here, and also stated that Brunei Darussalam will enter the monsoon transition period towards the end of September.

The public is advised to take early measures for active weather events that are predicted to occur with the risk of falling trees, flying roofs and landslides during strong winds and heavy rain.

Flash floods can also occur especially in low-lying and flood-prone areas as well as in areas near riverbanks during continuous heavy rains and during high tide events.

In that connection, the public, including drivers on the road and mariners, are advised to be aware of the latest weather forecasts, advisories and warnings issued by the BDMD and make appropriate plans for everyone’s safety.

At the same time, BDMD will continue to monitor weather conditions from time to time and issue weather advisories and warnings if necessary.

The latest information, advice and weather warnings can be received more easily through the mobile application that is Brunei WX, by contacting the weather forecaster on duty at the Weather Forecast Center, through the Weather Line 114 or by visiting the website, or the Facebook page (@ bruneiweather), Instagram (@bruneiweather) and Telegram channel, BruneiWeather.

Active weather alert | Gem Media Online
Drivers are advised to exercise caution during active weather. – PHOTO BY RAFI ROSLI

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