Air quality alert issued for Southwest Ohio Wednesday


An air quality alert was issued on Tuesday at 3:58 p.m. in effect until Wednesday at 4 p.m. for Butler, Warren, Hamilton and Clermont counties.

“The Southwest Ohio Air Quality Agency has issued an Air Quality Advisory for Butler, Clermont, Hamilton and Warren counties in Ohio; Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties in Kentucky; and Dearborn County in Indiana, from midnight tonight to midnight Wednesday night. Levels of ozone within the region may approach or exceed unhealthy standards. On Alert days, help reduce ozone by taking the following actions: Carpool, if possible, bike, walk or take the bus instead of driving alone. * Refuel your vehicle after 8 pm. * Do not idle your vehicle, exhaust contributes to air pollution. * Mow your lawn in the evening hours and avoid the use of gas-powered lawn equipment,” says the National Weather Service.

Guidance for air quality alerts: Insights from the weather service

When an air quality alert is in effect, following the weather service guidance is pivotal. Here are some simple tips from the weather service for safeguarding your well-being:

Seek shelter indoors when possible:

If it’s within your means, stay indoors, especially if you have respiratory issues, health concerns, or fall within the senior or child demographics.

Minimize outdoor ventures:

When you can’t avoid going outdoors, keep outdoor activities to the bare essentials. Reducing your time outdoors is the key.

Reduce pollution contributors:

Be mindful of activities that exacerbate pollution, such as driving cars, operating gas-powered lawnmowers, or using other motorized vehicles. Limit their use during air quality alerts.

A no to open burning:

Refrain from kindling fires with debris or any other materials during an air quality alert. Such practices only contribute to heightened air pollution.

Stay well-informed:

Keep yourself well-informed by tuning in to NOAA Weather Radio or your preferred weather news outlet. Staying in the loop empowers you to make informed decisions regarding outdoor engagements during air quality alerts.

Focus on respiratory health:

If you grapple with respiratory issues or underlying health problems, exercise added caution. These conditions can render you more susceptible to the adverse effects of compromised air quality.

By adhering to the recommendations from the weather service, you can enhance your safety during air quality alerts and reduce your exposure to potentially harmful pollutants. Stay vigilant, stay protected, and prioritize your health above all else.

Advance Local Weather Alerts is a service provided by United Robots, which uses machine learning to compile the latest data from the National Weather Service.

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