Americans, let’s proudly join in and sing our National Anthem before football games


While I watched the Green Bay Packers versus Philadelphia Eagles football game Sept. 6 in Brazil, I was struck with an observation of nationalism. The singing of our National Anthem was performed nicely by a native Brazilian. Then, the Brazilian National Anthem was also performed.

Incredibly, the entire stadium erupted with pride to sing their anthem. Why don’t we do the same thing here in our country? We all know the song. The words are even on the Jumbotron in case you get mixed up.

“Please join (insert singer name) in the singing of our National Anthem,” is the instruction of the PA announcer. I think we should, all of us, show a little pride in singing our National Anthem when asked to join. It would even be awesome to see the coaches and players join in instead of just standing there looking tough and a bit dumb while they endure the rendition. It can be heartwarming; it would actually look and feel good; and lastly, it would bring us all together for just a moment to honor our great country. Sing loud and proud!

Gordon Geiger,


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