An “unspecified medical problem” faces an astronaut upon his return to Earth

An “unspecified medical problem” faces an astronaut upon his return to Earth

An “unspecified medical problem” faces an astronaut upon his return to Earth

The astronaut, who was not mentioned, landed NASA Named for privacy reasons, off the coast of Florida On board the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule with 3 other crew members, two NASA astronauts and a Russian astronaut, according to Reuters.

The team included American astronauts Matthew Dominick and Michael Paratoganit Epps and Russian astronaut Alexander Grebenkin.

NASA initially stated that the entire crew was taken to a medical center for additional evaluation and as a precaution, but it did not specify whether all or some of the team members had encountered problems.

NASA later clarified that one Astronauts He suffered a medical problem and the team was airlifted to a hospital in Pensa Coola, Florida, near the landing site.

The space agency confirmed that the other three team members left the hospital and returned to Houston.

And published Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos posted on Telegram a picture of Grebenkin standing with a smile on his face, with a caption saying: “After a space mission and landing, cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin is in great condition!”

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