Animals: Not camera shy: Panda twins in the cuddly blanket


Just over 20 days old – and already the main characters: The Berlin Zoo has published a short video on Facebook with the panda twins. They are lying in a white blanket. One of the panda girls grunts and tries to lift her head. The comments are dominated by adjectives sweet, cute and adorable. The typical black and white coloring is now clearly visible. This is becoming more and more apparent almost every day, writes the zoo.

And: “Why are giant pandas black and white? Researchers at California State University have discovered that their special fur pattern serves as camouflage – perfect for their snowy and forested natural habitats.” However, the striking eye rings could be used to communicate with other pandas: This would allow them to recognize each other and send important signals.

Panda mother Meng Meng gave birth to the twins on August 22nd. According to the zoo, the offspring are being cared for day and night by a German-Chinese team. The animals are still not visible to visitors.

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