Another manager leaves Potsdam City Hall: Head of Human Resources Office vacates her post


New worries in Potsdam City Hall: The head of the department for personnel and organization, who is responsible for new hires, is turning her back on the city administration. Uta Kletzing will leave the authority on September 16th to devote herself to new tasks, a city spokeswoman confirmed on Monday in response to a request from the Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten (PNN). No further details were given about the reasons. The Märkische Allgemeine was the first to report this.

Kletzing, who took office in 2020, is a psychologist and political scientist and previously worked for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which is close to the SPD. “I would like to thank Ms. Kletzing for the cooperation and wish her continued success and all the best personally!”, said head of the main office Dieter Jetschmanegg (SPD).

Among other things, he highlighted the improved gender parity in the management of the town hall that Kletzing had achieved. However, they had not been able to get the basic personnel problems in some areas of the town hall, such as the youth welfare office, under control, said Critics regularly complained that it took too long to fill new positions.

It is not the only problem area in the town hall. Shortly before the summer break, Education Minister Walid Hafezi (Greens) announced his departure after only one year in office. Hafezi had cited differing “strategic views” with the city’s leadership as reasons for his departure; he also wanted to uphold his “professional integrity” by taking this step.

The Management position in the important area of ​​e-government. Also again a leader for monument preservation wanted.

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