Another section of the Carola Bridge in Dresden collapsed


During demolition work, another section of the Carola Bridge in Dresden collapsed. This was the bridge section with tram tracks, which had already partially collapsed into the Elbe during the night of Wednesday, a police spokesman announced in the morning. Another bridge section with lanes for cars, however, is still standing. The bridge was considered to be at extreme risk of collapse.

On Thursday afternoon it was announced that the damaged part of the Carola Bridge in Dresden would be completely demolished. Preparatory measures for a controlled demolition were underway, said fire department spokesman Michael Klahre.

The so-called bridge section C, a 100-meter-long section of which collapsed into the Elbe on Wednesday night, is in acute danger of collapsing and cannot be held up. Laser measurements have shown that the remains of this bridge section are slowly sinking, said Klahre.

Time is running out for the emergency services: Flooding is forecast in the Elbe from Sunday, which, according to the Dresden fire department, would significantly increase the danger.

Heavy rainfall in the Czech Republic

The possible flooding is due to the heavy rainfall expected in the Czech Republic. According to the State Flood Center, 200 litres of precipitation per square metre are expected to fall within 72 hours in the Czech Republic and southern Poland, including the Jizera and Giant Mountains, by Monday. Up to 350 litres are possible in the upper mountain areas. Continuous rain is also expected in eastern Saxony. Flood warnings are also to be issued for the Elbe and the Lusatian Neisse and the Spree.

The approximately 400-meter-long bridge consisted of a total of three bridge sections, which were connected to each other by so-called crossbars. During the night of Wednesday, a large part of bridge section C collapsed.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240913-930-231155/4

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