Around 113,000 vacancies in the skilled trades

Around 113,000 vacancies in the skilled trades

Around 113,000 vacancies in the skilled trades

According to a study by the German Economic Institute (IW), which is close to employers, the skilled trades industry is lacking around 113,000 skilled workers nationwide. Specialists in building electrics and automotive technology are particularly sought after, the IW reported. Most recently, there were around 18,300 positions for building electricians and 16,300 for automotive technicians for which there were mathematically no suitably qualified job seekers. The skills gap in the area of ​​sanitation, heating and air conditioning technology is 12,200 positions.

IW expert: “Gap is getting bigger every year”

Although the number of new training contracts in these professions is slowly increasing, companies’ needs are growing faster, according to the IW. “The gap is therefore getting bigger every year,” explained study author Lydia Malin.

“Jobs in the skilled trades are varied, offer the opportunity to take on responsibility early on and thus good career prospects,” said Malin. The professions are also crisis-proof and always in demand. In addition, skilled tradespeople are essential for a successful climate transformation.

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