Around 250 open monuments in Brandenburg invite you


Whether it’s a collection on the history of the motorway or historical buildings: around 250 monuments will be opening their doors in Brandenburg this weekend. On Open Monument Day on Sunday, around 6,000 monuments will be open to visitors nationwide, as the German Foundation for Monument Protection announced online.

According to the Federal Autobahn GmbH, visitors to Erkner in the Oder-Spree district can explore Germany’s largest collection of motorway history on Sunday. Special highlights include huge machines, ancient technology and the historic grit silo in which the collection is housed.

View of old diesel generators

For those interested in technology, there is also a special insight in Niederfinow in the Barnim district: “While the new and old boat lifts are open to interested parties every day, this is not the case for the listed machine hall in the ‘Krafthaus’,” said the SHW Tourism and Economic Development Company Niederfinow. On Sunday, things will be different: visitors will then have a direct view of old diesel generators.

In Rüdersdorf near Berlin in the Märkisch-Oderland district, 30 years of the museum park are being celebrated – including the conclusion of the “Brandenburg Reading Summer”. In the “Cathedral of Lime”, visitors can marvel at the historic industrial complex. The Brandenburg Gate and Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam were built with limestone from Rüdersdorf.

According to the city, in Potsdam there are, among other things, guided tours of the grounds of the Great Orphanage – “the largest contiguous baroque building ensemble in Brandenburg”.

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