Arrested NFL star Hill released


A few hours before the start of the National Football League (NFL) season, Miami professional Tyreek Hill caused a moment of shock in his team. The police briefly arrested the 30-year-old wide receiver because he was involved in a traffic incident, the Miami Dolphins announced. However, he will be available for the game against the Jacksonville Jaguars (Sunday, 7 p.m./CEST).

In a video posted on Platform X, Hill can be seen lying face down on the ground while four officers surround him, place his hands behind his back and appear to handcuff him. The incident reportedly took place outside Hard Rock Stadium, the home stadium of the Dolphins.

Hills manager: “Completely unnecessary”

Hill’s manager Drew Rosenhaus told ESPN about the moving images of the arrest that were circulating: “This is crazy, I’ve never seen anything like it.” For him, the police’s actions were “completely unnecessary.” But the most important thing is “that Tyreek is OK, physically and mentally.”

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