Attack on private cars clearly crosses the line


Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) does not want to be intimidated by an attack on his private cars. “For years I have experienced left-wing agitation against my course in migration and security policy,” Stübgen said in a statement after the incident. The fact that a few “stone-age communists are attacking my family’s private property is a clear transgression and has no place in a democracy.”

Two of Stübgen’s private cars were vandalized on his property in Finsterwalde in southern Brandenburg. The cars “used by him and his family” were damaged with a “still unidentifiable liquid,” a police spokeswoman said.

State security has taken over the investigation. The police spoke of a letter of confession that suggests a left-wing extremist background.

Stübgen added that he did not want to be intimidated by this. “Politics is based on needs and not on left-wing green ideologues.”

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240915-930-232904/1

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