Austria will not accept rejected refugees


In the debate about a More extensive rejection of migrants at the German borders than before, Austria announces resistance. “Austria will not accept any personswho are being rejected from Germany. There is no room for maneuver,” said conservative Interior Minister Gerhard Karner to the “Bild” and “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.”

Karner argues that Germany has the right to send people back if another EU country is responsible for their asylum application. However, this requires a formal procedure and the Consent of the Member State concerned requiredRejections as part of controls at the EU’s internal borders are not permitted, says Karner three weeks before the Austrian parliamentary elections.

German government sources said that the federal government had “Model developed for effective rejections in accordance with European law”Previously, CDU leader Friedrich Merz of the traffic light coalition had called for controls and rejections at the borders.

According to information from government circles, the model developed goes beyond the rejections currently taking place. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) initially did not want to give any details ahead of a discussion with the Union faction planned for Tuesday. Rejections at German land borders there is currently only in certain cases: if someone is banned from entering the country or does not apply for asylum. (dpa)

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