Ban on association: Raid on mosque association – money also confiscated


During searches to enforce the ban on the Islamic Center in Fürstenwalde, the police seized laptops and money. Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) spoke of “significant amounts of cash.” Today he obtained a ban on the mosque association in eastern Brandenburg. The deployment of around 70 police officers began at 6 a.m., said Stübgen, who also chairs the Conference of Interior Ministers. The premises of the nationwide association in Fürstenwalde were sealed.

Brandenburg has been working on the ban for many months. The basis for it was also the Hamas ban issued by the Federal Ministry of the Interior in October last year, said the Interior Minister in Potsdam. According to him, the timing of the ban – Brandenburg will elect a new state parliament in one and a half weeks – is linked to the fact that two courts confirmed the ban at the end of last week. We had to wait and see. Especially after the deadly attack in Solingen, a nationwide debate has erupted about the course of migration policy and how to deal with Islamists.

The association in Fürstenwalde is a supra-regional center in which Muslims from the surrounding area want to practice their religion, said Stübgen. “The problem is that the leaders of the association are extremist and support the terror of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas (…)” Young people in particular are to be indoctrinated. According to Stübgen, the imam of the mosque is a German citizen and lives in Berlin.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240912-930-230548/1

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