BDAC organizes strategic problem solving courses


By Sim YH

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 9 – Mediation skills play a very important role not only in the professional environment but in everyday life.

The matter was emphasized by the Attorney General, Yang Berhormat Datin Seri Paduka Dayang Hajah Nor Hashimah binti Haji Mohammed Taib in his speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Training Course, Strategic Conflict Management for Professionals which took place at Dewan At-Raqwa, Public Service Department Building, today.

The Honorable Datin Seri Paduka Dayang Hajah Nor Hashimah delivered a speech.

He also emphasized how mediation skills can be effectively applied to resolve conflicts at the community, organizational and personal levels thus improving communication and understanding in various contexts.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Brunei Darussalam Arbitration Center (BDAC), Yang Arif Raden Safiee bin Raden Mas Basiuni in his welcome speech touched on BDAC’s achievements throughout 2024 such as BDAC’s participation in Borneo ADR Week, organizing the BDAC Commercial Arbitration Moot for law students and graduates. law as well as signing a memorandum of understanding with Singapore Mediation Centre.

Yang Arif Raden Safiee delivered the words of welcome.

The course was attended by various participants from the government and private sectors where the participants will learn the nature of a conflict, dynamic types of disputes, effective resolution techniques and practical training.

With the guidance of 2 trainers from Singapore Mediation Center (SMC) namely Loong Seng Onn and Zechariah JH Chan, the course has been adapted to train the skills of resolving disputes in various situations especially in organizations whether conflicts occur internally or externally to the participants.

The Mediation Skill Assessment (MSA) test will be conducted on October 9 and 10 for participants to obtain a professional certificate and certification as an internationally recognized mediator.

With the SCMP and MSA programs in 2024, BDAC intends to further expand the number of professionals who specialize in mediation and promote the benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Brunei Darussalam. So far, BDAC has produced 51 SCMP alumni with 23 of them having achieved accreditation as mediators.

Photo of the crowd during the opening ceremony.- PHOTOS BY MUIZ MATDANI

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