Bella Astillah keeps boundaries with male actors


Having partnered with Ezaidi Aziz three times, actress Bella Astillah said she set limits when filming so that there would be no feelings between the actors.

According to Bella or Dayang Ara Nabella Awang Astillah, 30, she did so because she did not deny that the bond between actors becomes more intimate if they work together in the long term.

“I think when being an actor, the feeling of respect is the most important because when you are on the filming set there needs to be a boundary, especially between women and men. During the filming of this drama, I feel like I have acted with Ezaidi many times and we have started to communicate like friends by saying ‘you are me’. I do not deny that the longer the filming set exists bonding (bond) between us. So how do we avoid feelings, let’s start with a call,” he said mStar.

Through drama One Day LaterBella will team up with Ezaidi who plays the lead actor. Bella said, she has no problem acting together since they are close like a family.

Bella shared that when met at a press conference held at The Curve, Mutiara Damansara yesterday.

He added that they had a professional relationship as fellow artists and never had contact after work.

“Ezaidi and I already know each other, we have no problem acting together. Any need can be discussed at the workplace (filming location) only. Outside, if you want to go out for a walk together, never. Alhamdulillah. We are only human beings, so we ourselves have to control those feelings. As long as we can control, we control,” he said. – Agency

Bella maintains boundaries with male actors on the drama set.- mStar

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