Berghain and vegetable kebabs also in Berlinchen?


Will the famous techno club Berghain, the Tempelhofer Feld and Mustafa’s vegetable kebab work in Brandenburg too? In Berlinchen, a small district of Wittstock/Dosse north-west of the capital, all of this should work, think the two Berlin hipsters Luise and Jannick. They are fed up with Berlin and want to move to the countryside, but then they want to delight the people of Brandenburg with a few achievements. If necessary, even against their will.

A not entirely serious video shows the two emigrants’ small crusade for Berlin in Berlinchen – and the Berlin Senate and the Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU), who makes an appearance, are not entirely uninvolved either.

Luise and Jannick search in vain for oat milk in Berlinchen. Their plan to close the small airfield to the local club’s planes is not well received either. And the idea of ​​the Zwerghain, a club and daycare center in one, also fails. They suggest a wellness treatment to an older resident for her skin. “Why, don’t you like my face?” she replies. This does not irritate the two young Berliners in the slightest. They rave about the “completely different openness” of the Brandenburg rural population – “deep in their hearts”.

Guest appearances include a DJ from the real Berghain (“I don’t DJ in the Zwerghain”), Mustafa from his kebab chain of the same name (“I don’t know them at all, never seen them”) and Kai Wegner (“They’ll come back at some point”). In reality, however, the 15-minute video is just the start of a real campaign that will soon be launched – for Berlin. The final slogan fits in with this: “Berlin is only Berlin in Berlin”.

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