Berlin police initiate 15 criminal proceedings at pro-Palestine demonstration


At a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin Police officers were pelted with plastic bottles. One police officer was hit in the head and injured, police reported. During the operation on Saturday afternoon in Berlin-Kreuzberg, police arrested a demonstrator who reportedly suffered a facial injury. Rescue workers took him to a hospital.

Forbidden slogans and bottle throwing

The demonstration entitled “Solidarity with Palestine. Stop the Gaza Genocide. No weapons for Israel” started at Südstern. Around 700 people set off from there. When the demonstration met a pro-Israel gathering on the topic “Bring them home now – Stop the terror of Hamas” on Yorckstrasse, there were provocations in the direction of the rally.

According to police, the emergency services were able to calm the situation by pushing and shoving the participants away. Several demonstrators were temporarily arrested. This led to more banned slogans and plastic bottles being thrown. The leader of the rally then ended the rally early. The pro-Israel demonstration with only a dozen participants ended shortly afterwards.

Police initiate 15 criminal proceedings

Another gathering of around 250 people in the early evening on Sonnenallee in Neukölln reportedly dispersed when the police arrived. In total, the police temporarily arrested 17 people and initiated 15 criminal proceedings, including on suspicion of resisting law enforcement officers, the use of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organisationsphysical attacks on law enforcement officers, dangerous bodily harm and assault.

The police were still on duty late in the evening when around 30 people gathered on Kottbusser Strasse and walked towards Hermannplatz. At the Kottbusser Bridge, the emergency services found several overturned e-scooters, construction site beacons and traffic signs on the road.

According to police reports, a garbage can was set on fire at Herrmannplatz and a group of people chanted pro-Palestinian slogans. When the police arrived, those present left. The police extinguished the flames and ordered those returning to Hermannplatz to leave. (dpa)

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