BGH negotiates about property in Rangsdorf in January

BGH negotiates about property in Rangsdorf in January

BGH negotiates about property in Rangsdorf in January

A family’s battle for a piece of land in Rangsdorf (Teltow-Fläming district) will enter the next round at the Federal Court of Justice at the beginning of next year. The hearing in Karlsruhe is scheduled for January 17, the authority announced. The court had allowed the appeal of the case due to its fundamental importance.

The family had purchased the building plot in 2010 at a forced auction and built their house on it. In 2014, however, the Potsdam Regional Court ruled that the forced auction had been flawed because the Luckenwalde District Court had not sufficiently searched for the owner. The owner then demanded the return of his almost 1,000 square meter plot of land.

Judgment of the Higher Regional Court on eviction

At the end of June 2023, the Brandenburg Higher Regional Court ruled that the family had to demolish the house and vacate the property within a year. The family must also cancel a mortgage of 280,000 euros plus interest on the construction costs and pay the owner 6,000 euros for the use of the property. The Higher Regional Court did not allow an appeal.

The family’s lawyer had finally applied for leave to appeal against a ruling by the Brandenburg Higher Regional Court (OLG) from June 2023 because he saw legal errors.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240918-930-236239/1

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