Biden plans visit to Berlin in October

Biden plans visit to Berlin in October

Biden plans visit to Berlin in October

According to a media report, US President Joe Biden is planning a visit to Germany before leaving office. The US newspaper “The Hill” reported, citing Biden’s entourage, that the Democrat wants to travel to Berlin in mid-October before flying on to Africa. A state visit to the German capital is expected. There was initially no official confirmation of this.

The White House did not comment on the report when asked. A spokesman for the German government also declined to comment when asked, as did the Office of the Federal President, which would be responsible for a state visit. The US Embassy in Berlin also remained tight-lipped and again referred questions to the White House.

It would be Biden’s first bilateral visit to the German capital as president. Although the Democrat attended the G7 summit in Elmau in 2022 and on another occasion made a refueling stop with his government plane at the military base in Ramstein, he has not yet paid a working or state visit to Germany during his presidency.

The 81-year-old will leave office in January. In July, under great pressure from his own party, he withdrew from the campaign for a second term and left the field to his deputy, Kamala Harris.

Biden’s visit to Africa is also not yet official. He had long promised a trip to the African continent, but kept postponing it. However, Biden recently confirmed to reporters that he was planning a visit to Angola. He did not provide any details.

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