Border controls: Greens: Announced border controls strengthen right-wing extremists


The Berlin Greens believe that the border controls announced by Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) are missing their target. “Border controls at internal borders and the rejection of asylum seekers will not strengthen internal security, but will instead put a strain on the police,” said Philmon Ghirmai, the state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Berlin. Both commuters and the movement of goods and goods would be massively hindered, and this would have dramatic consequences for the economy.

“After the recent, painful tightening of asylum law, it is only in the interest of right-wing extremist parties to now focus more on isolation,” says Ghirmai. He called for a return to objective politics. In his view, it is a misconception that ever louder calls for pushbacks and isolation can take votes away from right-wing extremists. “Blowing up European law and the Schengen Agreement as a quick-fire election campaign rhetoric now endangers a fundamental idea of ​​the European Union,” says Ghirmai. In his view, it would make more sense to better equip security authorities and prevent radicalization.

Faeser ordered temporary controls at all German land borders in order to further reduce the number of illegal entries. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the additional controls are to begin on September 16 and will initially last for six months. In addition to limiting irregular migration, the ministry also cited the protection of internal security from current threats posed by Islamist terrorism and cross-border crime as reasons.

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