Brandenburg calls for stricter asylum policy after Solingen


As a result of the deadly attack in Solingen, Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) and the municipalities want to better enforce the deportation of foreigners who are required to leave the country and, if possible, prevent them from going into hiding. All options must be used to deport people in particular who do not want to integrate, who have committed crimes and who pose a risk to other people, said Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) after a summit with representatives of districts and cities.

According to an eleven-point declaration by Woidke and the municipalities, foreigners who are required to leave the country and who have gone into hiding should immediately be put on the wanted list for investigation or search and lose their entitlement to financial benefits. Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) also named the establishment of up to three departure centers based on the Schleswig-Holstein model as a goal.

“These departure centers then have the possibility of detecting the absence or disappearance of such a foreigner within 24 hours at the latest,” said Stübgen. This means that cases such as the one in Solingen are not possible. Integration Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) did not attend the conference. Woidke criticized her for refusing to attend.

Debate after knife attack in Solingen

In a suspected Islamist terrorist attack in Solingen in August, a man killed three people with a knife and injured eight others at a town festival. The suspected perpetrator, a Syrian, is in custody. According to the NRW Refugee Ministry, failures by local authorities and a lack of flight options prevented a timely deportation.

In the statement by Woidke and the municipalities, the federal government is called upon to suspend the Dublin Regulation in order to have control over decisions at the borders. According to the regulation, only one EU member state is responsible for examining and processing asylum applications. One criterion is the first country of entry.

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