Brandenburg wants to better enforce deportations


As a result of the fatal knife attack in Solingen, Brandenburg wants to better enforce the deportation of migrants in the future and prevent refugees from going into hiding. “Two out of three deportations fail,” said Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) in Potsdam after consultations in the State Chancellery with district administrators and mayors on migration and security policy. Anyone who is legally required to leave the country but goes into hiding should be immediately put on the wanted list to determine their whereabouts and to be searched, according to a joint statement.

Steps to enforce deportations agreed

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) agreed with the district administrators and mayors on a total of eleven points on migration and security.

All options must be used to deport people who do not want to integrate, who have committed crimes and who pose a risk to other people, said Prime Minister Woidke around two weeks before the state election. “We are committed to ensuring that the state proves to be a strong state.”

The chairman of the district council, district administrator Siegurd Heinze (independent), said of the agreement: “After some discussion, we all support this.” The plans also include weapons-free zones and the expansion of video surveillance.

Failures in Solingen complained about

At the end of August, three people died in Solingen in a knife attack that was presumably motivated by Islamist tactics. According to the NRW government, failures by local authorities and a lack of flight options prevented them from being deported in a timely manner.

Tougher crackdown by immigration authorities planned

Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) said the goal was to set up up to three departure centers based on the Schleswig-Holstein model. “These departure centers will then also have the possibility of detecting the absence or disappearance of such a foreigner within 24 hours at the latest,” said Stübgen. This means that cases like the one in Solingen are not possible. Anyone who disappears also loses their right to financial benefits. Migrants whose asylum application is rejected will in future be required to appear in person once a month at the relevant authorities in the districts.

More deportations in the first half of 2024

According to government figures, 784 people were deported from Brandenburg in 2023. The trend is increasing, it was said. In the first half of 2024, there were 452 deportations.

In the statement by Woidke and the municipalities, the federal government is also called upon to suspend the Dublin Regulation in order to have control over decisions at the borders. According to the regulation, only one EU member state is responsible for examining and processing asylum applications. One criterion is the first country of entry.

Accusation of election campaign show with migration issues

The district council conference also caused discontent and criticism. Integration Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) did not attend the conference. Woidke criticized her for refusing to attend.

CDU parliamentary group leader and top candidate Jan Redmann said: “A district administrators’ conference must not be an election campaign show.” District administrators are the wrong target group. The Green Party’s top candidate Benjamin Raschke criticized: “Nothing can be achieved with hectic actionism and hasty decisions in a competition to outdo each other.”

Further planned measures after migration conference

– The municipalities want to introduce weapon-free zones. This will also make random identity checks possible, thus expanding the powers of the police.

– Video surveillance is to be expanded.

– Asylum procedures in the courts are to be accelerated with the establishment of a central asylum documentation office.

– The state government offers return teams for deportations, which provide decentralized support to the municipal immigration authorities.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240906-930-225435/1

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