Bundesliga: “Too many cross passes”: Bochum coach explains early change

Bundesliga: “Too many cross passes”: Bochum coach explains early change

Bundesliga: “Too many cross passes”: Bochum coach explains early change

Bochum’s coach Peter Zeidler justified his unusually early substitution in the 2:2 (2:1) against Holstein Kiel with his team’s “poor start”. In the 16th minute on Saturday, the VfL coach had already replaced the visibly annoyed defender Erhan Masovic with midfielder Anthony Losilla.

“I didn’t agree with the fact that we moved the ball forward too slowly and played too many cross passes,” criticized the Bochum coach, who is still winless. “I didn’t like that at all and it’s not our idea. That’s why I reacted.” Now, “of course, there is disappointment,” added the 62-year-old.

Substitute Shuto Machino (89th minute) scored the visitors’ first Bundesliga point just before the end. Benedikt Pichler (15th) had previously put Kiel in the lead. Matus Bero (22nd minute) and Lukas Daschner (35th) scored for Bochum.

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