CCBD, CCCS level of understanding of the Competition Act

CCBD, CCCS level of understanding of the Competition Act

By Nurdiyanah R. –

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 20 SEPT – In order to strengthen the understanding and enforcement of competition laws in this country, the Brunei Darussalam Competition Commission (CCBD) has organized a comprehensive training session on the Competition Act, recently.

The training session was delivered by two senior officers from the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS); CCCS Group Director of Legal and Enforcement, Winnie Ching; and CCCS Director of Enforcement, Serene Seet.

Both officers share expertise and best practices in competition law enforcement based on their experiences in Singapore.

Also present were the chairman and members of the CCBD, heads and officers from the executive secretariat, as well as representatives from the High Court and the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Chairman of CCBD, Yang Arif Haji Abdullah Soefri bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, in his speech, conveyed his appreciation to CCCS for the close cooperation between the two parties and emphasized the importance of capacity building and cooperation in improving the implementation of the Competition Act in this country
The training is part of CCBD’s ongoing efforts to develop the capacity of law enforcement and stakeholders, with the aim of ensuring that competition laws are effectively implemented to promote transparency, fairness, and consumer welfare in the country’s economy.

The Brunei Darussalam Competition Act introduced in 2015 aims to promote fair competition and prevent anti-competitive practices in the market, to ensure businesses operate in a fair environment, encourage innovation, and benefit consumers through competitive prices and improved quality of goods and services .

For more information on the Competition Act and the CCBD, the public can visit the website at or contact the CCBD via e-mail [email protected] or call 2383100.

CCBD, CCCS level of understanding of the Competition Act
Among those present at the training session had time to take many pictures. – CCBD SUBMISSION PICTURES

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