Closing Burke Lakefront Airport would give downtown a tremendous boost

Closing Burke Lakefront Airport would give downtown a tremendous boost

Closing Burke Lakefront Airport would give downtown a tremendous boost

The details of an exhaustive study on the impact of closing Burke Lakefront Airport was recently released by Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb (”Closure is ‘possible and economically advantageous,’” Sept. 17). While a possible closing would result in time delays and red tape, the report said closing Burke would yield a huge economic bonus for Cleveland when it comes to housing, retail and parks.

Can you imagine that? I can. Can you imagine our lakefront looking like Navy Pier in Chicago? I can. Can you imagine Dead Man’s Curve being redesigned to afford greater convenience and safety for millions of drivers on the Inner Belt? I can.

But maybe I’m just a dreamer, thinking it’s time to move ahead for the greater good, for improving the quality of life for Greater Clevelanders. Closing Burke is a move that’s long overdue. Yes, we would lose the Cleveland Air Show, but we stand to gain so much more in finally enhancing Cleveland’s lakefront for generations to come. As Baiju Shah, Greater Cleveland Partnership CEO, was quoted as saying, “We can make this happen. We must make this happen.” The time has come.

Jack Marschall,


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