Controversial hand count decided in Georgia

Controversial hand count decided in Georgia

Controversial hand count decided in Georgia

The election commission in the US state of Georgia has decided on a controversial hand count of the votes cast in polling stations for the 2024 presidential election in November – despite the objections of election officials and election workers. Allies of former US President Donald Trump had enforced this rule in the commission, wrote the US broadcaster CNN. Critics fear, among other things, chaos on election day and a delayed announcement of the result in this state, which is hotly contested between Republicans and Democrats, as the broadcaster CBS reported. The vote in the commission was three to two.

Georgia is one of the so-called swing states, where the outcome between Republicans and Democrats can be particularly close. After losing the 2020 election, Trump had already questioned the count in Georgia and, among other things, spoke of electoral fraud. According to CBS, Democrats fear that Republicans close to Trump could now pave the way for a new attempt to question the election result if Trump were to lose again by a narrow margin. On November 5, the 78-year-old Republican will run against Democrat Kamala Harris.

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