Convert Tour Program in Belait


By Yusrin Junaidi –

BELAIT, 8 SEPT- In order to identify the difficulties faced by the youth converts in the interior and to exchange views and thoughts among the youth and the community, the Youth Converts As-Shahadah, under the auspices of the Trusteeship of the Youth Religious Program (PKB), Islamic Dakwah Center (PDI) ), the Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU) has organized a Tour Program for Converts and Concerned Convert Youth at Balai lbadat Kampung Merangking, Belait District, this afternoon.

Present as the guest of honor was the Director of PDI, KHEU, Haji Abdul Rajid bin Haji Mohd Salleh.

Among the filling of the program are recreational sports with the residents of Kampung Merangking and the donation of basic items to 20 families who are classified as asnaf converts around Kampung Merangking, Belait District. The event was continued with an activity to clean up the surroundings of Balai lbadat Kampung Merangking.

The Convert Tour is a themed community initiative program From Convert to Convert with the aim of providing support and improving the well-being of the convert community in this country through direct interaction and assistance.

In addition, it also aims to strengthen friendships with converts and share lessons and experiences with PDI about the da’wah approach used when carrying out non-Muslim da’wah in the interior as well as exposing participants of convert icons and members of the As-Syahadah Convert Youth committee to the practice of sharing with the community. through the contribution of Belia Mualaf Prihatin.

Among the converted asnaf families who received donations from Haji Abdul Rajid during the event. – PHOTOS OF PDI DELIVERY
Among the activities held during the program. – PHOTOS OF PDI DELIVERY

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