Court of Auditors criticizes Transport Minister Wissing for lack of information on railway condition


The Federal Audit Office reprimands the Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) not to provide an assessment of the condition of Deutsche Bahn’s rail network despite repeated requests. This was reported by the “Bild” newspaper (Monday edition), citing a letter to the Audit Committee of the Budget Committee of the Bundestag.

Wissing’s ministry did not provide a precise assessment of the condition of the tracks “despite repeated requests”. In addition, “contradictory statements” were made about State of the networks not been clarified. “Parliament needs comprehensive and well-founded information,” warn the auditors. Otherwise, the Bundestag would lack “a reliable basis for decision-making”how much money needs to be made available for the necessary renovation of the rail network.

According to the report, the auditors also see the climate protection targets in danger. “In order to overcome the problems of the rail network and make it more efficient in achieving climate protection goals, DB AG and the BMDV must also make its actual condition transparent to parliament,” the newspaper quotes from the letter. Despite “steadily increasing federal funding,” the condition of the rail network is continually deteriorating. (Reuters)

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