Crime: Deadly SEK operation: Man had mental problems


The 46-year-old man who was shot dead by special police forces in Berlin on Saturday probably had psychological problems. He was under care, said the spokesman for the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, Sebastian Büchner, to the German Press Agency. The RBB had previously reported.

On Saturday morning, the 46-year-old is said to have threatened a 49-year-old with a firearm on a trailer park. “The man managed to drive the attacker away and call the police,” said a statement from the police and public prosecutor’s office. “The 49-year-old remained unharmed, followed the 46-year-old and saw him run into an apartment building on Dreilindenstrasse.” The suspect did not open the door, so the officers forced their way into the apartment in the afternoon.

Man allegedly shot at police officers

The emergency services had gained access to the apartment in Nikolassee where the 46-year-old was staying by court order. The man then immediately opened fire with a weapon, police and prosecutors announced in the evening. “Police officers fired back and fatally hit the man.” A homicide squad is investigating.

According to Büchner, it is still unclear how the 46-year-old got the gun. The man’s apartment was very untidy.

The house is in the Berlin district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf, near the Wannsee. The neighborhood is mainly made up of villas and single-family homes. The house where the man retreated is social housing. A resident told a dpa reporter that it contains around 100 one-room apartments. There is a primary school next to the house.

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