CSD in Frankfurt (Oder) ended “without disruption”


According to the police, Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Frankfurt (Oder) was largely “trouble-free”. This was stated by a police spokesman immediately after the parade through Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice. According to the organizers, there were up to 500 participants at times.

The mood was exuberant, speeches were made, there were no counter-protests. No counter-events were registered with the police before the CSD parade either.

Bautzen radiates to other CSDs

Before the CSD, however, the organizers were concerned that there could be counter-protests and even riots. Several weeks ago, the small right-wing extremist party Free Saxony called for a protest against the CSD in Bautzen. 680 people followed the call and demonstrated against “gender propaganda and identity confusion.”

According to the organizers, during previous CSD parades in Słubice, rainbow flags were set on fire and participants were pelted with eggs.

Small insults

The organizers also spoke of minor incidents on Saturday. Participants in the parade were verbally abused. However, it was within limits, according to a spokeswoman for the event. She said that overall the demonstration was very successful.

Before the demonstration, the police had announced that they would be bringing in additional police officers to the CSD on Saturday in the Oderstadt. A police spokesman said during the week that there was a certain degree of uncertainty among the organizers.

The organizers also expressed security concerns: “Recent events in other cities show that the police must increase their presence at such events, and so we will also increase internal security structures as planned.”

Redmann looks worriedly at counter-demonstrations

The head of the Brandenburg CDU, Jan Redmann, described the counter-demonstrations at previous CSD events as a worrying development. “I don’t really want to go back to the time when there are counter-demonstrations,” he said a few days ago. It shouldn’t be the case that “the caretaker or the nurse” don’t dare to go out on the streets to show how colorful and diverse Brandenburg is.

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